My Day Today

I'm not always around, so I hope this information will suffice for now.

Unfortunately, I can't give you too many details about my routine. It is a dangerous world for you to know too much about. I'd hate for you to be hurt without my knowing. Yet, I can tell you that I strive to bring humans and vampires into a much better truce than the quiet tension around us now. It has long been my dream to create a much safer world, by any means necessary.

I suppose now I'll admit to killing everyone in the Council. It was needed. A system that no longer can tell good from evil is broken and therefore, shall be destroyed by my hands.

I shall leave you now. Aidou-san and I have a long night's discussion ahead of us.

Oh, and ladies, do be careful on your way home. Vampires aren't always as gentle as they appear. (Chuckle) I guess I'll have to agree with Kiryu-kun on that point.

(Sigh) Hanabusa insists that I put up a picture, too. It's such a small detail. Please enjoy your week to heart's content.
