Updated Fans

Kira has asked us hosts to update our list of fans. If you are not on the list and would like to be, please send me a message or add a comment. I apologize in advance if I am missing anyone.

Lady Kita (kitabug69) Gaby (Gaby4646), Keome, Ovelia, Ushio (saseriofredsand), Sunshine 60, EoAA, Kira (Support KIRA), DN-chan (DN Fangirls), Jen (Jenuchiha), LovelyRisa, Puppet Alex (XPuppetXMistressX), ouransgirl, Blood Huntress, Hevn, VkGirl, and Cre (Crehea).

Thank you for your support and friendship.

At this time, I'm also adding a little notice. I might be absent from the club for a while. I have a lot of work coming soon. I hope it won't be too long.
