GX: Dark Queen of Miator

Chapter 20: Jane the Cold Hearted

The first duel of the Astraea Star Cup finals had ended with Jaden as the victor. After the duel, the finalists all adjourned to a waiting room for a fifteen-minute break, all except for Tomoyo that is. She had gone to Miator’s infirmary to tend to the injury she sustained when losing her duel with Jaden. Tamao and Jane kept to themselves in the waiting room. Meanwhile Jaden and his friends had clustered together to talk.

“That was a heart pounding duel you had back there.” Striker said to Jaden. “You really had us worried.”

“It was pretty close.” Jaden agreed. “I just wish that Tomoyo hadn’t gotten hurt when I beat her.”

“Serves her right after threatening Tsubomi the way she did!” a voice suddenly cut in, causing Jaden and the others to turn and see Yaya and Tsubomi standing near them.

“Hi girls.” Jaden greeted. “What are you two doing here?”

“We just dropped by to say hi.” Tsubomi explained. “It’s not like this place is off limits to anyone not participating in the finals.”

“Anyway, we came to wish you guys luck.” Yaya added. “But I guess Jaden here doesn’t really need it, considering he’s beaten three of the Four Witches, one of them twice now.”

“Three out of four, not bad Fusion Master.” Clive commented. “Maybe you’ll fight that fourth witch next and complete the set.”

Jaden glanced over at Tamao and Jane. Tamao was sipping a cup of tea, while Jane sat there on the couch with a calm but very cold expression. It seemed to Jaden that her eyes were filled with rage.

“Anyone know anything about Jane?” Jaden asked the group. Jessie, Striker, and Clive all shrugged, but Yaya, Tsubomi, and Chikaru all suddenly shuddered.

“We have heard a few things, but they’re mostly rumors.” Chikaru answered. “But it’s said that Jane is supposed to be the strongest member of the Four Witches.”

“A friend of mine told me this story a couple days ago.” Tsubomi cut in. “She said that not long after the tournament began she saw this pro duelist challenge Jane. The guy had black hair. My friend didn’t stick around to watch the duel because she had some work to do. But later that day she was walking back to the dorms and saw that same pro duelist on the ground shivering, and his hair had turned completely white.”

Before anyone could respond to Tsubomi’s tale, Hikari walked into the room.

“Um, could you all please come back out now?” Hikari asked in her usual shy manner. “We’re ready to start the next duel.”

With that, the finalists got up and headed back out to the arena.

* * *

Once again the stadium was packed with spectators. Hikari and Amane had taken their place on stage to announce the next duel.

“It is now time to decide the player for the next duel.” Amane announced into her microphone. “The winner will face Jaden Yuki in the next round of the finals. Now let’s pick out our first competitor!”

With that, the left side of the large monitor above the stage began flipping through pictures of Jessie, Striker, Clive, Chikaru, Tamao and Jane until it finally stopped on Chikaru’s picture.

“Our first duelist in the second duel of the finals is Lilum president, Chikaru Minamoto!” Hikari announced.

All of the Lilum students began cheering loudly at the announcement. Right away Jaden noticed Kizuna, Remon, and Kagome holding up a banner that said, “Go Chikaru”. What surprised Jaden though was that he could not see Shion anywhere in the stands.

“Hey Chikaru, how come Shion isn’t here?” Jaden asked. “I would’ve thought that she’d have made it here to cheer you on.”

“She had business with the student council she couldn’t get out.” Chikaru answered. “But it’s not like she knew I would be dueling today.”

“I see…” Jaden replied. “Well good luck.”

“Thanks.” Chikaru replied. “Maybe we’ll face each other in the next round.”

“The Elemental Heroes against the Six Samurai. Sounds like it’ll be a blast.” Jaden said enthusiastically.

“And now let’s see who Chikaru will be facing!” Amane announced. The right side of the screen flashed through the pictures of the remaining finalists. On the other side of the stadium floor Tamao was watching the screen with anticipation. At last the screen landed on Jane’s picture. “The second participant of this duel is Miator student council president Jane Hawthorn! Both duelists please take the stage.”

“Well, it seems I won’t be getting a chance to trap dear Chikaru’s soul.” Tamao sighed to Jane. “Oh well, this result is just as good I suppose. Make her suffer.”

“As you wish Lady Tamao.” Jane replied before heading to the stage.

As Chikaru and Jane took the stage, Winged Kuriboh and Ruby Carbuncle appeared to Jaden and Jessie. Both Duel Monsters were growling in Jane’s direction.

“Wonder what’s got them so worked up?” Jessie asked Jaden.

“I’m afraid we’re going to find out soon.” Jaden said with a grave expression.

“By the decision of the coin toss, Jane has the first turn.” Amane announced. “Let the duel… begin!”

With the life points of both duelists set at 4000, Jane drew the first card.

“I set one card on the field and end my turn.” Jane announced coldly.

Chikaru felt confident as she drew her first card. Though she was a little worried about the card that Jane had set on the field. It was not a monster, but Chikaru knew that it might be some kind of devastating Trap. But Chikaru knew that it would not be good to hesitate.

“First I summon The Six Samurai-Nisashi in Attack Mode!” Chikaru announced. The muscular green armored samurai appeared on the field with his two swords in hand. “Next, since I have a Six Samurai monster on the field, I now Special Summon Grandmaster of the Six Samurai!”

The grizzled old veteran of the Six Samurai clan appeared on the field next to Nisashi.

“Nisashi, attack Jane directly!” Chikaru commanded. “Dual Sword Slash!”

With that, Nisashi charged at Jane and slashed her across the chest twice with his two swords. Jane’s life points fell to 2600 as a result.

“I’m not finished yet though, since I have Grandmaster of the Six Samurai on the field, Nisashi can attack a second time.” Chikaru pointed out. “Nisashi, hit Jane again with Dual Sword Slash!”

Once again Nisashi struck Jane again with his swords. The attack had caused Jane’s life points to drop to 1200.

“Well, this duel’s in the bag.” Clive commented on the sidelines. “The Grandmaster has 2100 ATK. One hit from him and it’s over. I guess this Jane girl isn’t as tough as the stories say.”

“This isn’t over yet.” Jaden told Clive.

“Grandmaster, finish this duel!” Chikaru demanded. “Swift Samurai Slash!”

“I activate my Trap, Shadow Spell!” Jane announced just as the Grandmaster began charging at her. “Now not only can your monster not attack, but he loses 700 ATK points!”

In an instant the old samurai was bound in black chains. All the Lilum students in the stands began booing Jane.

“Well that sucks.” Striker commented. “Looks like Jane has been toying with Chikaru from the very beginning.”

“I… end my turn.” Chikaru announced with a look of disgust. Jane drew her next card.

“First I discard one card to summon The Tricky!” Jane announced. Appearing on the field was jester-like figure with a costume of yellow and black. A red question mark adorned the front of its mask, which completely covered its face. “And now I activate the Spell card, Orichalcos Ritual! Using this card I sacrifice Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and The Tricky to summon Wraith King of the North!”

The mystic symbol of the Orichalcos Ritual appeared on the battlefield. Bolts of energy shot up from it and consumed the two monsters until there was nothing left. The symbol then turned from green to red, and a pillar of red light shot up from it. The lights in the stadium then went dark, and then a thick fog rolled in from behind Jane. The fog cleared and the floor of the stadium was covered in a mist that seemed to bath everything in an unearthly glow. The temperature had become so cold that everyone could see his or her breath. Jaden’s eyes meanwhile changed to their Yubel colors.

Suddenly Chikaru noticed the monster that Jane had summoned to the field. It stood about seven feet tall and wore a tattered cloak and hood. However its face could be seen, if one could call it a face that is. Its skin was as white s a sheet and gave off an eerie glow. If it had a nose and mouth, Chikaru could not see them. But she could see its eyes; they were bright red and glowed like demonic headlights. It seemed to Chikaru that they were looking into her very sould. Atop its head over the hood the creature wore a spiked crown that was made out of an otherworldly metal that had a silver quality to it. As a whole though, the thing looked like the grim specter of death itself.

“My Wraith King of the North has 3800 ATK points. But I cannot attack because I played the Orichalcos Ritual.” Jane pointed out as her eyes began to glow red like her monster’s eyes. “Therefore I end my turn. You can try and put up a defense of you like, but it will do you no good.”

Chikaru’s hand trembled as she drew her next card. Though it was not solely because of the cold. She was afraid of the Wraith King of the North.

“I-I switch Nisashi to Defense Mode!” Chikaru announced. Nisashi took a crouched position on the field. “Next I summon The Six Samurai-Irou in Defense Mode and end my turn!”

The visor-wearing swordsman in black appeared on the field in a crouched position next to Nisashi. Jane drew her next card.

“Wraith King of the North, destroy Nisashi!” Jane commanded. “Sword of Malice!”

The Wraith King threw back his cloak, revealing not only his slender form, but that he was wearing armor made from the same unearthly metal as his crown. His right skeletal hand grabbed the handle of his sword, which he then pulled out very slowly. The blade of the sword was pitch black. Then faster than anyone could see, the Wraith King had stabbed Nisashi through the chest. The samurai had a look of surprise frozen to his face. When the foul specter pulled out his blade, Nisashi slumped over and suddenly faded away.

“I end my turn.” Jane coldly announced.

As soon as Jane’s turned ended, Nisashi suddenly reappeared on Jane’s side of the battlefield, only he looked very different. His skin had turned white and gave off an eerie glow. The features of his face had become indistinguishable, and his eyes glowed red like the Wraith King’s.

“What’s going on?” Chikaru demanded.

“When Wraith King of the North destroys a monster, that monster is summoned to my side of the field when my turn ends.” Jane explained. “Not only that, but while my Wraith King is on the field, all of my monsters become Fiends, specifically wraiths.”

Chikaru drew her next card hoping to find something that could help her. Unfortunately her draw had failed her. The only thing she could do was try and put up a good defense for time, but with the Wraith King’s ability to turn her monsters against her, whatever defense Chikaru could put up would not help much.

“I summon Chamberlain of the Six Samurai in Defense Mode!” Chikaru announced. The old battle scared cybernetic warrior appeared on the field in a sitting position. “That ends my turn!”

* * *

Meanwhile back at the Spica student council room, Shion had just finished up her work. She decided to go to the stadium to see how the tournament was going. As Shion walked through the hallway, she overheard a couple of the students talking.

“Dang it, I can’t believe the video feed to the stadium just cut out like that!” the first student exclaimed. “And right when the duel was getting good too!”

“I know. I wanted to see if Lilum’s president could actually defeat Jane of the Four Witches.” The second student replied.

That last remark made Shion freeze in her tracks. The mention of Chikaru dueling against Jane Hawthorn, who was said to be the strongest and most terrifying member of the Four Witches, worried Shion greatly. And the news of the stadium’s video feed being lost gave Shion a terrible feeling that something was very wrong. Without hesitating, Shion started running to the stadium as fast as she could.

* * *

Back at the duel, Jane had just drawn her next card.

“I activate Monster Reborn and summon Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from the Graveyard!” Jane announced. The grizzled old samurai appeared on Jane’s side of the field, though his appearance had become similar to Nisashi’s and the Wraith King’s. “Grandmaster attacks Chamberlain of the Six Samurai! Swift Samurai Slash!”

Faster than the eye could detect, the wraith Grandmaster charged over and decapitated the old scared warrior.

“Nisashi, attack Irou!” Jane commanded. “Dual Sword Slash!”

Nisashi charged over faster than the eye could see and sliced Irou apart with his swords. Chikaru’s side of the field was wide open.

“Since I have another Six Samurai monster on my side of the field, Nisashi can attack again.” Jane pointed out. “Nisashi, attack Chikaru directly with Duel Sword Slash!”

Nisashi slashed Chikaru across the chest twice with his swords, causing Chikaru to cry out. With the pain of the attack came an intense cold was unlike anything that Chikaru had felt before. Chikaru’s life points dropped to 2600 from the assault.

“Finish this Wraith King.” Jane commanded. “Sword of Malice!”

Just as Chikaru had recovered from Nisashi’s attack, she noticed that the Wraith King was standing right in front of her and staring down at her menacingly. Chikaru found that she was filled with the kind of terror someone feels when it looks like they’re about to die. At that moment Shion entered the stadium floor and was noticed by Jaden and the others. Shion’s eyes widened when she saw the grim creature that was about to deliver the finishing blow to Chikaru. Meanwhile, Chikaru was completely frozen as the Wraith King slowly drew his sword.

With one slash of his sword, Chikaru fell backward like a limp doll. An expression of terror was frozen on her face. It looked like the Wraith King had actually killed her. As soon as Chikaru’s life points hit zero, the monsters on the field vanished and the stadium returned to normal. Shion suddenly screamed out Chikaru’s name and then collapsed. Jessie, Striker, and Clive rushed over to check on Shion, while Jaden went up to the stage to check on Chikaru. He found that Chikaru was still breathing, but was out cold and her skin was very pale.

* * *

The first day of the finals had come to an end. Jane was of course declared the winner, though Hikari and Amane did not like doing that. Both Shion and Chikaru were taken to Miator’s infirmary. The doctors had found that Shion had collapsed due to stress, and should probably take a few days off from her duties as student council president. As for Chikaru, the doctors could not find anything physically wrong with her, but it seemed that she had suffered an extreme mental shock. Jaden and the others decided to stay with Chikaru and Shion for as long as they could.

Hours had passed and the sun was beginning to set outside. Jaden was sitting by Chikaru’s bedside when Chikaru suddenly shot up and let out a blood-curdling scream. The rest of Jaden’s gang rushed over after hearing it.

“Woah, Chikaru, it’s okay!” Jaden said in an attempt to calm her down. “You’re fine! You’re in Miator’s infirmary right now.”

Chikaru finally calmed down after a moment. But she was shivering and was still very pale. Hikari found another blanket and draped it over Chikaru’s back.

“W-Where’s Shion?” Chikaru asked in a small voice.

“Well, she’s here, but she’s out cold.” Jaden told her, glancing over at the bed that Shion was still in. “She came to the stadium right when Jane’s monster attacked you. When she saw it attack you, it looked like you had actually been killed. She fainted after that.”

“I see…” Chikaru replied as she looked over at where Shion was. “Jaden… I need you and the others to do something for me.”

* * *

A few more hours had passed, and Shion finally woke up to find herself in a room that seemed unfamiliar to her. She was in the Strawberry Dorms. That much she could tell, but as she glanced around the room she saw that some of the furniture was unknown to her. Right away Shion noticed that something very soft and warm was in the bed with her and had cuddled up tightly next to her. She turned her head to the right and saw that it was Chikaru. Shion quietly called out Chikaru’s name, causing the raven-haired girl to stir from her sound sleep.

“Oh, you’re finally awake.” Chikaru said drowsily. At that point Shion turned and put her arms around Chikaru.

“I-I thought you had died!” Shion said tearfully. “I mean I know sounds crazy, but it looked like that thing had actually killed you.”

“I’m alright my love.” Chikaru whispered reassuringly. “And I’m a lot better now that you’re here with me.”

“So uh, where are we?” Shion asked after finally gaining some composure.

“We’re in my room.” Chikaru answered. “Jaden and the others helped me bring you here.”

“Oh, so that means… we’re in your bed… together?” Shion suddenly realized as a heavy blush came to her face.

“That’s right.” Chikaru replied. “And… if you’re up for it… I could really use you right now.”

With that, Chikaru planted a firm kiss on Shion’s lips. Shion relaxed into the kiss, and it became clear that the two were about to become a lot closer.