Know Your Lovecraft Deities

Hello everyone. This isn't really a Yu-Gi-Oh-related post, but I thought I'd share it here because it's related to a previous post I've done. Some of you reading may recall the post I did about the Entity monsters based on the deities of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. In fact it might be a recent memory since I updated the post this past Sunday to change some card names and fix some links. Well this afternoon I decided to make a little checklist for myself to keep track of what deities were already made into Entity cards and what cards have yet to be made. The list ended up taking a couple of hours to make because there are A LOT of deities in this mythos. To check out this massive pantheon, check out the link to the Wikipedia page below.


Chances are that not all of these deities will be made into real cards. Actually there's an Elder Entity monster that only just came out in Korea that's not based on any of the Elder Gods on the Wikipedia list. I'll be talking about said Elder Entity in a later post, but as far as I can tell the card is based on an Elder God that only exists in a Cthulhu Mythos RPG of some kind. Anyway, there seems to be a high potential for a lot of cards in the three Entity archetypes. Of course they'll all probably be released than a hundred slide PowerPoint presentation since they've only been releasing one Entity monster in a set.
