Advent Card 16: Gift Exchange

Before I get into today's card, I think I should make a quick correction regarding my post featuring Santa Claws. It seems that monster is not the only true Christmas themed card to be released outside of Japan. Today's card is also a Christmas card. I had kind of forgotten that this card had existed, but then I can't remember every card under the sun. Anyway, here's the card for the day of December 16th.

Today’s card is the first and so far only Spell Card to be pulled from the advent calendar. We now rejoin the family of goblins from yesterday’s card, or rather their children, as they’re opening their gifts on Christmas morning. The one kid in the foreground is disappointed that all he got was a lousy t-shirt, but then who among us likes getting only clothes on Christmas? In any case, Gift Exchange is kind of an interesting little card. It’s a bit like the iconic Exchange Spell Card seen in the original series; only it seems a bit more controlled.

That's it for today's post. Tune in tomorrow for yet another card.
