New Decks of the Gods!

Hello everyone. Long time no post. I still do check in here on TheO at least once a day just to see what's going on, if anything. Anyway, I'm doing this post to talk about some card news and sort of vent my own feelings about the card game in general.

So recently, Konami came out with a pair of new structure decks. One revolved around Obelisk the Tormentor while the other revolved around Slifer the Sky Dragon. I sort of wish both of these decks came out about ten or fifteen years sooner, but oh well. Anyway, I've sort of developed kind of a love-hate relationship with the card game, but I'm still enough of a fan to get copies of these decks.

Like most out of the box structure decks, neither of these Egyptian God decks can really be used effectively in a tournament or anything without some heavy modification. One thing I really liked about both decks though is they featured cards which originally appeared in the Yu-Gi-Oh! R manga; cards I never thought would make it into the real world card game. The biggest highlight of these decks though is the new support for Slifer, Obelisk, and all three of the Egyptian God Cards in general. After getting a copy of both God structure decks today at my local Walmart (I actually just went there to get a new shirt) and examining the contents of each deck, I got on YouTube to see what might be required to make both decks truly game ready. Not only did I find decent examples for an Obelisk and Slifer deck using some of the cards from these structure decks, I also found a video covering a Winged Dragon of Ra deck using one of the major Egyptian God support cards introduced in both structure decks. All three videos I found can be seen below.

Winged Dragon of Ra Deck

Slider the Sky Dragon Deck

Obelisk the Tormentor Deck

Incidentally, the Ra deck seen in the video uses support cards from a fairly recent booster set; support cards which are extremely expensive to buy individually online I might add. In any case, if you watched the videos you probably noticed how all three decks have a nearly identical build. In fact all three use the exact same Extra Deck more or less. Seeing these videos makes me feel a little like the introduction of Link Monsters has ruined the card game a bit. I was also a little irked by how none of the decks showcased in those videos made use of two of the Yu-Gi-Oh! R cards included in the Obelisk structure deck.

Of course I guess it could be argued that Divine Evolution is best used with the Wicked Gods from Yu-Gi-Oh! R. Still, it makes me wonder why both cards were included in the Obelisk structure deck if nobody was going to use them. Ah well.
