taking a brake... kuenka style!!

yeah ladys and gentlemens its time to take your shoes off
go to that comfty sofa of yours and enjoy a little of slacktime yeah nothing like sit with a big cup of soda and slide down in the sofa feels good uh? watcing some anime dvd (sorry we only get illegal fansub down here its cheap fun i know if i could pay or find legal fansub i would do it trust me but that aint happenig so...)

yeah it has been nothing but studing learnig bones muscles touching dead people i feel the only thing i can smell now is cloroforme i miss the daays of high school copyng math homework every morning been depress because of the 0 in my math homework :sniff: o happy days

well thanks for joinig me in my regresional 3 minutes break now i'm good 2 go for some medical book diving see ya -_-
