lol hey I'm in the start of exam season. halfway through my first exam (art, which takes place over 2 days)
I should be revising for my business exam on tuesday (21 chapters left omg) or french...... (though I hate language e_e;;;)
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title says it all in my own unique way, I suppose.
No, I haven't been kidnapped by the mafia
No, I haven't been taken in by the FBI witness protection program
No, I haven't been forced into some shady contract
Yes, I have been buried in work
Yes, I am still alive despite what you may think
Yes, I still do creative things
However, all of my creative energy is being channelled into my art for school; and recently since exam season is literally knocking on my door, I've had no time to be fangirling over anime, though I make a little time every friday to catch up on the latest.
which leads to me often looking like this:

with my dammed obsession with perfect grades (azn genes, hey!) leads to no social life... *sigh* Summer, I'm playing hard gah. 3 months of glorious rest after 2 months of hard work.
When to expect me back?
June, and definitely no earlier than that; first few days after exams will be all sleep, and then I'm getting stuck into the position of tutor for one of my friends, and possibly my cousin(s)? Depends, I suppose.
It's probably going to be even worse after the summer, since I'm starting the IB program- these of you not in the know, search IB FML and you'll get it.
but then again, I'm no big presence on theO, so I doubt it'll impact you in anyway! c:
stay well, all of you- to the OHC people, don't let the OHC die, the mods and Kira+Luna work so hard for us neeeh?
to all my friends, don't do anything I wouldn't tell you to do, and I'll definitely catch up with you! Special shoutout to kami- loved the mobile wallpaper you made me- hopefully I can get an iPhone soon! <3
to all of my subscribers, thanks for subbing to me, I'll definitely try to get more wallpapers out, maybe iphone walls if I can get one! suggestions?
feel free to leave any comments in the comment box, I'll check back every now & then c:
appropriate gif of onew (yess <3)

I do not want to do my bio / eng exams....

brb flipping table
and yes I like SHINee.
Dear SS,
I would love a card with either:
Lee Jinki, otherwise known as Onew from the KPop band SHINee
(Or Kim Kibum [Key] or Minho work too but Onew is my favorite!)
Dino Cavallone / Gokudera Hayato from Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Otherwise, just make me a card with using Lau and/or RanMao from Kuroshitsuji.
Sorry SS1 I tend to like a lot of odd characters!