11 questions, 11 answers, 11 victims!
1. You must post these rules (Very Important indeed).
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.
You and the colour pink- GO!
It... makes me shudder and want to blow up the earth nalsnflsmsdfikmsdspmkf really I cannot believe I used to like it.
-What makes you nervous? ABOVE ALL THINGS!?
Spiders. And darling roachies. wait no that's the things that scare me.... um the moment before you find out your marks? yeah I know, nerdy. 8B
-What makes your inner nerd squeel?
Photoshop! And really good drawings... art... anime.... yeah. lots of things make it squeal like the closet demented fangirl I am.
-Super natural talent?
What, real ones I really have or. well.... real one is that I can read stupidly fast. probably when someone's read a paragraph once, I've probably read it twice already. but as for imagining it. uh. *thinks* the power to will what ever I draw come ali- nah that's boring. maybe to be able to be FIRIN' MAH LAZAH WHEN I WANNA- *shot* okay not that. um. to have the power I want at anytime? really, I don't know... I mean. being normal is underrated...
-Coolest hobby that you do? Drawing doesn't count!
photoshopping! SO COUNTS NAHNAHNAHNAHHHHH. okay in all fairness, it's probably photography. :) I fail at freelensing though </3
-Do you tell time in a digital clock or an anolog? Military time or standard time?
Digital! Though I can do both. At last count, I had 3 clocks in my bedroom, two digital & one analog, so maybe I'm a bit skewed towards digital...
-Unhealthy habit number one?
Eating whatever I want lolololol. doesn't mean I'm some overweight bit of blubber- I just tend to get srs cravings... that I HAVE to satisfy.
-Is your job amazing or would you prefer to get another one? (ya'll got jobs now- 'kay?)
*pretends she has a job being a power ranger* I don't want another job because my current power ranger gig is awesome enough, kthx.
-Do you handwrite things or print them? Or are you a person who types everything?
All three! I'm an art student. gotta be diverse. ;) I lean a bit towards the first & last, writing in print can be... tiring.
-Akwardest thing you've ever been caught wearing? BY THE PUBLIC EYE WHICH MEANS ANYONE BUT YOU.
um. um. recently? um. um. um.... a shiny red cape which was originally made for me in grade one.... I HAD CLOTHES UNDER SO DON"T BE PERVERTED.
-Save the Earth or screw everything and blow it all up?
both! *shot* I'm an oxymoron. honestly, I don't know. If I ever have to do that, I'll tell you k.
So lets see- eleven people?
Support KIRA
Blood Huntress
I want to know the answer to these... no one word answers!
- Internet meme (trollface, FFFFF-, Awesome etc.) that you most identify with?
-Your favorite anime swag & why?
- One thing you can't live with & why?
- Your favorite weather?
- Favorite country?
- Something on your bucket list!
- Piercings? Going to get / want any?
- What makes up you? Bit of a mix, or are you 100% of some nationality?
- Game- why do you play it?
- Ever been to con? Want to go to one if you haven't?
- Do you cosplay? If yes, what as? If no, what would you like to be?
i think my brain is falling out of my ears.
that is all.
.....well not really.
Two or three posts ago, I mentioned a wall entitled "splat!" (yey onomatopoeia abuse!) and then the post after said my laptop crashed. Obvious innit? I lost splat!
BUT NEVER FEAR! for I am starting another wall lolol. "Gentlemen of Honor" :) It's actually turning out a bit dark, funnily enough.
so sleeeeeepy. and it's only 3pm. something must be wrong with me.
RR off!
*salutes before falling asleep*
My mac crashed, and it's with the technician right now. Tomorrow I find if all of my data survived. If not... well I'm screwed, to put it nicely.
So yes, I'll be inactive for a bit in all online aspects.

So hey, how have you all been?
I'm vectoring a rather bright and paint-filled wallpaper. Needless to say, with at least 5 hours of work, and I'm still less then halfway this is gonna to take some time. yeah, I can't do dark walls. tragic thing, really.... xD I did use to abuse grungy textures if I remember correctly though, haha.
On the real life side, I just had a bit of a 'oh crap' moment a little while ago. this morning I got a email from my art teacher. It mentioned something, but there was a little sentence- '...and complete the drawing assignment'
Now if you don't know my, you should know that I'm a dork about homework. I like to get my stuff done like, 2 weeks early. or heck, even earlier! So yes, it's painful because I have to hand in this painting assignment in on... oh, 19th may? it's the 15th here right now.
and I have no access to my artbook right now- it's in my school locker. Consequently, I'm sitting in my computer chair and 'hnnnnnnging' mentally. AUUUUGH.
On the bright side, you guys might know 'Vedere', my comic. It's on TheO (and watermarked) right? It won a 'Best Print work Award" Needless to say, I was ecstatic. To cap it off, that night I got an letter stating I won an award for Business Studies! :)
RR signing off!
*ranger salute*
okay if you don't like mindless ranting rambling about life, you don't need to read this.
I'M HERE TO RANT SO LIKE. Ignore. typing in all caps has this tendency to make me feel better.
muuuuurggggghhh. I swear. oTL WHY DID I HAVE TO TAKE MEDIA AND ART
The workload's so crazy it's not even funny anymore. and before you say 'drop it!' I can't. It's in line with my ambitions, and it's also far too late in the school year to drop it.
mucho better. <3
on a happier note, it's chinese new year! OH YEAHHHHHHHHH. CANDEAHHHHHHH.
kung hei fat choy!
I hope I can get some good photos. :>
I'll try and get a wall or fanart that I LIKE up sometime during this week.
oh yeah, if you read up to here, post a wallpaper idea in the comment box, and if I like it I might make a wall for you *likes guys with tats*.