1. What is your name?
1. A deep rich purplish red colour.
2. Only the most kick ass color.
3. Someone or something that is the greatest example of the color Crimson. The person is usually vastly intelligent, silent but when speaks; speaks with wisdom, somewhat durable, often dark and mysterious at first, and is caring and sweet.
As a color, Crimson is the color of blood and shows that it is dark, bold, and shows a great meaning behind it.
"Look at the crimson moon, it's beautiful."
4. adj. Used to describe wellness or something awesome
adv. state of easy-going
2. How old are you?
1. One of the worst ages of being a teenager. You are in the middle and you wind up with the most problems that age. You are too young to drive without an adult, cannot go to the prom, and get a part time job like real teenagers. Your head is up your ass and one day you are still a kid watching cartoons and another day you'll like to have sex. This is also the age when most teen problems occur such as anorexia and cutting.
2. The REAL age to be considered a teenager, young person, young adult, etc
face it, teenagers have more responsibilities, go on dates, talk about sex, etc and obviously, 13 and 14 year olds are NOT that way. thats why 15 and up should be considered teenagers, despite the fact that most 14 year olds enter high school
3. An age in a person's life when they aren't a kid, an adult or even a preteen but a teenager.
3. What is one of your friends’ names?
1. Not just a character of sailor moon, but
the superior way of spelling "Serena".
These "a"-spelled varieties are often sex goddesses with extraordinary beauty.
They are ultimately smarter and better-looking than other Serena/Serina sorts, and are also rarer to come across.
If you happen to stumble across one of these, consider yourself lucky and extremely gifted to have been in the prescence of such a fine creature.
4. What should you be doing?
something you never get enough of once you hit the age of 15. (true)
5. What is your favourite colour?
-Crimson red
1. A dark shade of red, made by adding black to red. most popularly used in horror/gore stories
6. Where were you born?
-Hong Kong
1. A high tech ghetto, Hong Kong is the best place in Asia. Home of tall buildings, neon, and pirates. Also a great place to pick up cheap anime dvds...
2.A beautiful city in China. People mostly have the wrong image of it though.
No, Chinese people here don't work on rice fields, they are majorly in Finance and Banking.
7. What month were you born in?
1. The month where the most amazing girls are born. These girls are hot, sexy, and incredibly irresistible. Not only do they have an appealing body but they are intelligent as well. Every girl wants to be born in July.
8. What day were you born on?
1. The fourth day of the week.
2. From the Christian Calendar derived from the Gregorian Calendar.
9. Who was the last person you talked to?
1. The parent that takes the most shit. Sure, if you had a shitty father, then go ahead and bitch, but not all of us did. Some of us had great fathers, who really loved us, and weren't assholes. Honestly, if you could see how much damage a mother could do to one's self esteem, you wouldn't even place so much blame on "dear old dad"
10. What is one of your nicknames?
-Red Ranger
1. The Red Ranger is typically the leader of the Power Rangers team.
2. The Mighty Morphin Power Ranger aka Jason, is the ultimate Red Ranger of all time.

There once was a girl, who in the early part of 2008 made a account on a particular site, after giving into her friend's urging.
According to the date on my portfolio, on the 25th of March 2008, a new user named 'CrimsonANBU' appeared on this site.
Slowly, but surely 'art' began to appear, first in the fanart section, then the cards, then the wallpaper section, then the fan comics section, then finally, the quiz section.
They may not have been of the highest standard, but the person behind 'CrimsonANBU' had much help in the form of her friends- 'Cerulean Fox' 'Support Kira' 'lunastarz' 'Ichigo's lil'sista' 'Kung Pow Chicken' 'Ko Inu Kyan', and many others.
Slowly, at least to others, CrimsonANBU's work got better. Suddenly, however, she disappeared for much of 2010.
She returned unofficially on 14th of March 2010 with this post.
Officially, in terms of work, she returned with a wallpaper entitled '[[ angelo e diavolo ]] ' on 22nd of March 2010. The wallpaper was a mish-mash of the positive of her old style, and a newer style.
Slowly, things began to appear again, this time mostly in the wallpaper section, and occasionally, the fanart section. She believed that her style was a little better.
Then recently, CrimsonANBU changed her name to 'smoking crimson' as she felt that 'CrimsonANBU' did not express her well enough, as she didn't like Naruto that much now. 'smoking crimson'.
This is my story, and I hope you enjoyed it.

WHYYYYYY. I had another wall, and then.. oh noes! theO's 3 wallpaper every 24 hours restriction! GAHHHHHH. I'm sorry CHIIII. AND THE OTHERS I WA SGONNA MAKE STUFF FOR. ;A; You'll have to wait... 24 hours!

Dear secret santa, I wish for...
2) Something of Ciel Phamtomhive
3) A picture of any of my OCs, Smile & Grin von Natcht de Wolfe, Saberhagen Fenrir, Amami & Manji Kaze~ (You can find examples of them all in my gallery, particulary for Amami)
That's about it, but I also love Katekyo Hitman Reborn (Dino Cavallone , Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi,Kyoya Hibari) Air Gear(Wanijima twins & the Noyomano sisters), Kuroshitsuji (Ciel Phamtomhive, Madame Red Undertaker) & Bakuman (Mashiro)~! I don't mind the mainstream stuff too- Bleach is fine. (Hisagi Shuuhei, Byakyua Kuchiki)

Please don't freak. This is CrimsonANBU, but now I'm smoking crimson. Feel free to call me by my old nicknames and stuff, I don't mind. xD
The winner of my previous name thing was no one... sorry! However the first two to comment on here that gave a name that was present on that post will get requests.