welcome dear stranger! by a twist of fate, you have stumbled across this tiny world of mine.

I am quite an odd person at times, and at others, totally predictable. Shoot me an PM if you wanna chat, or comment- I always reply to comments & PMs!

Quid pro quo. I give so that you may give.

names can change [prizes!]

Alright, so. I've decided to change my name. For that very reason, I NEED IDEAS.
I know I want names with 'Crimson' somewhere in there- it's my trademark of sorts.
You can vote for a name, modify names and suggest them, or suggest entirely new names~!

It must be:

  • Less then 15 characters long, including spaces
  • Have 'Crimson' in it.
  • No symbols or punctuation.

So far I have: (Thanks xNotUnderstood for the first six!... seven now?)
Crimson Ink
Crimson War
Crimson Love
Crimson Fire
Crimson Eyes
Crimson Life
Crimson Neko
smoking crimson
Crimson Reign
CRIMSON RANGER (lolol ossum xD )
Crimson Dawn
Crimson Charisma

The best name chosen will get a wallpaper request from me, and I'll use their name. :)


So after seeing some damn amazing worlds coughsakuradustcoughvacumologycough, I decided to reconstruct mine. Welcome to QUID . PRO . QUO, formerly Nemo est Quispam. (Yeah, I have an penchant for Latin names. Blame one of my friends)

I'll be trying to update more often, and all my posts from now on will hopefully have an banner at the top. :3

Life's been... meeeh. I've been making a few wallpapers here and there, but nothing extreme. Many plans, but very few actually succeed, haha.

Sweet term break coming soon. Just Friday to get through!
Hopefully I can make a few more graphics during then.

Buncha requests from TM too.. Guh.

Ah yes! I got an Pentax KX, so I'm hoping to submit cards with photographs by me as the background. :)

Might be cool.

I'm off to brush my teeth! Pleasant something everyone.

Hear this kiddos.

kiddies, listen well. or else you'll probably get kicked off.

Nice and short.
I'm considering revamping this world too.

Random musings

Hello everyone!

...Do me a favor and please check out my newest original work! It would make me feel better. It's got only 17 views on it. OTL

External Image

And for the lulz,

Change of heart.

Uh. Hi again everyone? Seriously. I have no excuse. I haven't been able to draw for quite a bit, as I've been more busy designing and.. dundun.. coding. At first just about five minutes ago, I planned to tell you that I would q...

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