TT^TT 64 random facts

If you are reading this, you have been tagged! I'm doing this cause of Supersaiyanjounin...

Well, off we gooo...

1.I was left handed, but now I'm right handed
2.Dark Fox013 gave me a scar on my elbow
4.Everytime I reply to a PM, I usually say lolz in it once.
5.I can crack my knuckles
6.I read Shonen Jump
7.My right ALWAYS eye twitches when I'm mad
8.I wear my watch so much that under it, there's a strip of pale white skin
9.I consider myself more Aisain than Aussie
10.I can't act for toffee.
11.I hate pink
12.I'm scared of Dark Fox013's locker key, cause that was the key that made the scar on my elbow.
13.I'm a Billy VS Snakeman freak. (click the link above if you want to try it!)
14.My dad likes Naruto
15.I know a little Japanese
16.I know a good amount of French
17.I know some Chinese
18.I've never had chicken pox
19.I hate wearing skirts & dresses.
20.I like wearing these pants that can zip up, and change into shorts or long pants.
21.I have a LOT of Gundam Seed figurines (human)
22.I like the song 500 miles by Proclaimers
23.I can sit in the Lotus position.
24.I have attempted to do Byakugan
25.I have attempted to do Kuchyiose no Jutstu
26.I tried to tree-walk.
27.I read Asterix & Obelix
29.I'm fairly smart, but not that smart.
30.The number 64 makes me think of Neji's 64 trigrams
31.Is 64 part of the Fibo-something numbers?
32.My favourite Hyugas, are Neji, Hinata & Hanabi
33.I glomp my mom
34.My mom once brought a LacusXKira print.
35.I have a very extended family
36. When is this gonna end?
37. I have scars on bot of my legs, cause I tightened my ice-skating boots without wearing the proper socks TT^TT
38. A lot of my frinds are boys
39. ... I dunno?
40.My cousin & I share the same birthday
41.Before I thought Hyuga was spelled Hyuuga
42.I thought Byakuya was spelled Byakuyaya ^^;;
43.I'm a Green blue belt in Taekwondo
44.I've won a 2nd place medal for Taekwondo
45.And a 3rd place trophy.
46.8 is my lucky number
47.My family is a dysfuntional bunch, but I love them all the same ^^;;
48.I am SO bad at spelling.
49.When I first saw Neji, I was like OMGWTHFH who is that long-haired girl?
50. Yays, number 50
51. Zzzz...
52.I also like Prince of Tennis
53. Fuji is KEWL! lolz
54.When you meet me at first I'm rather restained, but then I loosen up.
55. I have no taste in music whatsoever
56. I can go for almost the whole day without water!
57. I'm Freestyle 1 in Iceskating
58. I glomp DF a lot!
59. 9 more to go..
60.I hate people who think they are better than others just beacause of something like thier birth etc.
61.I idolise Kira Yamato
62.I used to have a website
63. I love doing arts & crafts
64. I can read books very fast, perhaps the 7 th Harry Potter book in 2-3 days

Whew.. All done!

