Talk About a Bad Morning

Hey everyone it's been a while yeah well I've been busy and stuff and I didn't know what to right about ya know but now I do.
Ya see I had a very bad moring today it all started when it was time to wake up my alarm clock scared the heck out of me so I fell out of my bed and I was tangled up all in my covers so I was stuck in my covers. Then we didn't have any cereal so I was gonna eat some waffles. But they were all freezer burnt and stuff and all we had to eat real fast was ramen. So I was eatin my ramen and I realized that somethin tasted funny.....come to find out I was eatin my hair I didn't put it in a pony tail so it got in my ramen (ewww) Then when I was ironing my clothes I had got bored and kinda croutched down a little then a side of my head stared hurting....(why you ask) because I was ironing my hair (I am so stupid) It was really straight though like a flat iron but then I had to do the rest of my head "But not with the iron a hair iron thingie" so then I was going to school got out my car told everyone bye and the ran into a pole*sigh* I hated this moring but now everything great so I'll see you people later
