Loopy~! Loopy~! Loopy~! Loopy~! Loopy~!
Oh wow, the last time I posted was a month ago. O.o And I think that's the last time I commented on sites too. o.O I'm sorry about that, every one. ^^' I'll be sure to comment more often.
Well, I'm sure some of you already know that I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday. It's been a very painful recovery up to this point. The pain killers only help a little. Although the hallucinations are fun. XD
My surgery was supposed to be at 12:30pm, but the surgeon was caught up with other surgeries then lunch, so I had to wait until 3pm. I woke up early that day and was really sleepy, so I curled up in a recliner in the hospital's waiting room. I woke up to a girl in the room going "Awww! She's so cute!" I opened my eyes and looked around for a baby. There were only other women and my mum in the other recliners. I went back to sleep then heard the girl's voice again. "Awww, she's just so adorable. Is she yours?"
Then my mum replied "Yes, she is." I opened my eyes again and looked at the girl sitting opposite me. She smiled back at me when mum asked how old she was. She said she's 24. Then my mum said "My daughter's 22." OMG that girl's face was hilarious. XD She was going "awww" coz she thought I was 12. >.>
Family Bonding
Grandma: Your father has a joke to tell you... Hang on. *gives phone to grandpa*
Grandpa: During one of their weekly meetings, the devil said to God, "God, I'm really tired of this job so I want to retire." Then God replied, "That's fine with me, but where will I find someone to take over your job?" Then the devil said, "Bush can do it."
Raina: *was listening to the joke with mum* LOL!!!
Mum: Dad, don't tell jokes. Raina's face hurts when she laughs.
Grandma: *takes phone back* Oh that's no good. I was going to tell Raina a joke to cheer her up, but I'll just text it to her later. Raina, you can read it and then laugh later when you're feeling better.
Raina: ... I have a choice about when to laugh? XD
Over the weekend I had to renew my Kaspersky Anti-Virus software. It was a major pain in the a**. >.> Here's what happened:
1. Go to the website to buy the Activation Key and CD at 1:30am.
2. Type in Debit Card details and pray I typed in the correct information.
3. Receive Activation Key via e-mail and read the instructions on how to install the new Anti-Virus software.
4. Download the new Internet Security software.
5. Attempt to install new Internet Security software.
6. Realise that I have to uninstall the old Anti-Virus software first.
7. Uninstall the old Anti-Virus software.
8. Restart laptop.
9. Re-attempt installation of Internet Security software.
10. Try to use the Activation Key I got earlier.
11. Realise that I downloaded the wrong thing.
12. Download the new Anti-Virus software.
13. Attempt to install Anti-Virus software.
14. Restart laptop.
15. Realise that I have to uninstall the Internet Security software.
16. Uninstall the Internet Security software.
17. Restart laptop.
18. Install Anti-Virus software.
19. Activate Anti-Virus software with the Activation Key.
20. Attempt to download the new anti-virus database.
21. Internet connection dies, so try to figure out what's wrong.
22. Restart laptop.
23. Connect to the internet.
24. Download new anti-virus database.
25. Restart laptop.
26. Download more anti-virus database.
27. Finish at 4am.
28. Wonder why I bought the $30 the Anti-Virus software CD with the Activation Key when I didn't need it to begin with...
I shouldn't be allowed to do anything after 1am. >.>
Mother/Daughter Bonding Part 7
Mum: You're growing up so quickly. What do I have, like 6 more years to live with you?
Raina: Last year you said that there's only 4 more years left...
Mum: ... 4, 6, 10, what's the difference?
Alright, I mentioned before that Mafia-Man (the man from my class who asked if I would send him my assignment) was about 30+, right? Well, that was him with his sunglasses on. On Thursday, he didn't have his sunglasses, and it was my friend and my first time seeing him without it. O.o His eyes were tiny! The tiniest eyes I've ever seen... No wonder he wears those sun glasses all the time. It completely ruins his "Mafia" look. XP Anyway, without his sunglasses, he looked at least 40 years old. o.O
So a 40+ year old man slipped me a note... Looks like a job for my Hit Man. lol
The Presentation Continued...
I found a way to accurately describe how bad my presentation was. (refer to my previous post)
It was like a gold fish... Swimming around in circles, 5 second memory span, eventually go belly up, then get flushed by the toilet. ._.'''
Big Brother
My big brother's back! XD I haven't talked to AkumaKurai in a month. ;_; I just talked to him on MSN now, so I ish happy. X3
I had another presentation today. It didn't go even half as good as my other one. ;_; It was a horrible experience. DX Although now I'm really fired up and want to make its essay absolutely perfect. XP
My topic was "The Relevance of Intercultural Pragmatics in Translations". Confusing much? >.> Gah~! Oh well, at least it's over and done with. ^^
After my presentation was over, the gym next to our class room started some dance functionor something. We could hear their music loud and clear throughout the other presentations. ._. It was hilarious at first, coz they played the Village People's Y.M.C.A. and In The Navy... But they played those two songs over and over and over and over and over... >.> 2 hours of those two songs...
Ah crap! It's stuck in my head! DX
Mother/Daughter Bonding Part 6
Warning: If you’re not a girl aged 16 years or above, read at your own risk. XP
Raina: Mum, my friend invited me to her wedding. I need new shoes and maybe even a dress.
Mum: Sure honey. And I think you should get some waxing too.
Raina: Waxing?
Mum: Yeah, like your eyebrows, under arms, arms, legs and whatever else.
Raina: What else could there be to... wax... AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
I had a major presentation to do at uni today for Sociolinguistics. So glad it's over and done with, but I want to post about what a pain in the ass rear end it was. XP
WTF Moment 1
On Tuesday, I took my laptop to ask the librarians if it was compatible with the university's power point presentation system.
She said she's fairly certain that the power point adaptors should work with most laptops...
I was asking about this blue plug thing:

But she showed me this:

..................... >.> Wtf?
I finally managed to tell her what I was talking about. Then she said she has no idea and that I would have to call the university's help desk and find out. DX I couldn't be bothered to do that, so I snuck into the empty class room, plugged my laptop into the system, saw that it fit and ran out. Bwahahaha! 
WTF Moment 2
Since my laptop's a little big, I had to carry it around in a backpack. When I was washing my hands in the girls' bathroom, I realised that my backpack was larger than my entire upper body (excluding my head). @_@ I swear I looked like a turtle. ^^' Wtf? ^^'''
WTF Moment 3
Anyway, I went to uni early today and made OHP presentation as well. Just coz I don't trust the university at all. There's even a flier stuck on the girls' bathroom that says:
I don't need sex. UWS screws me over all the time.
XD (UWS is my uni) Wtf!? XD
The presentation went well, btw. Lol. It was only supposed to be 8 minutes, but my presentation was a bit too long, so the teacher had to stop me before I finished. ;_;
My presentation was on the affects of the feminist ideology in Belle de Jour's writings.
Note: Only click that link if you're over 18. ^^'''
WTF Moment 4
After class, one of my classmates (a 30+ year old man) slipped me a note. O.o
What are we, in high school!? Wtf? XD *shot*
WTF Moment 5
No, it was not a love note or anything silly like that. LOL. He wrote how he was:
... highly intregued & interest both by the subject of your presentation, & the direction you have selected using "Belle de Jour".
He wanted to know if I would e-mail him my presentation and the essay based on it after the end of this semester. O.o He said 'after the semester ends' so that I won't worry about him copying my work.
So yeah, a 30+ (I'm guessing) year old man (who looks dresses like the mafia) wants to read what I write about the linguistic characteristics of a call girl. WTF!? LMAO.
Mother/Daughter Bonding Part 5
Mum: You stayed up until 4:30am working on that assignment, didn't you? When and how did you become such a procrastinator?
I'm procrastinating on answering that question.