I knew my mouth would get me into trouble sooner or later. >.>
First, I just had to post about my life on the internet. x.x Then I had to go and call Darke an ass. ^^'''
I just got THIS in an e-mail from him (literally 2 minutes ago) with this message:
just a lil revenge for calling me an ass. ^_~
My life is just a joke for everyone, isn't it? XD
I don't know how worse my luck can be after the week I had... But apparently it can get MUCH worse. *sigh* I was doing a very simple online exam for university just now. I was doing great. Calm even though there was a time limit on the exam. Then I saw something move in the corner of my eye...
A cockroach! DX
It was crawling down the curtain next to me. Not a big one... just 2 freaking inches!!!
Here were my options:
1) Screw the exam and kill the roach.
2) Screw the roach and finish my exam.
I chose:
Option 3) Panic like crazy but still finish the exam and then finally kill the cockroach.
The result? Only 5/10 right...
Go to hell cockroach! *sprays it with Mortein again and whacks it repeatedly with a broom*
Anyway, since it was so popular:
Mother/Daughter Bonding Part 3
Mum: Your superannuation fund's statement is here.
Raina: Thanks... *reads* Eh? I only have 68 cents?
Mum: Oh, I thought you would have less than that.
Mother/Daughter Bonding Part 4
Mum: I saw on Oprah that you need to let the universe know what you want.
Raina: Oh, that "The Secret" thing?
Mum: Yeah, so I think you should write a list of the type of person you want to marry. Let the universe know, so that it can find him for you.
Raina: 1) Doesn't look like dad. 2) Not Turkish.
1. The Underwears
Raina: Hey, I got a random question. If a 20~25 year old guy's mother bought him 50 pairs of Australian flag underwear, and he wore it, would it be funny?
George: I don't think it's funny at all. o.O
Raina: Why!? My friend thought it was hilarious. XD
George: I would wear them too.
Raina: No way! Hm… So maybe it's a guy thing to not find this funny.
George: Maybe. Hitomi, you're a girl so what would you do?
Hitomi: It's not funny and I wouldn't wear it. Probably just leave it in my wardrobe and never touch it again.
James: I think it's just weird. And George, you're weird for wearing them.
George: Hey, I don't want to waste them, that's all. My mum would be the weird one for buying them in the first place.
James: Where did this conversation start anyway? O.o
George: Raina asked.
James: *glances below Raina's belt*
Raina: DX It's not my underwear!
James: Sure it isn't. XP
Raina: It isn't!!! DX
2. Mother Daughter Bonding Part 1
Mum: Hey, do you want me to get that cute Japanese boy's e-mail?
Raina: Er, no thanks.
Mum: Aw, but he looks a little like your dad.
Raina: EW! NO!
3. Mother Daughter Bonding Part 2
Mum: Honey, why don't you marry a Turkish boy?
Raina: Why would I want to do that?
Mum: They're animals in the bedroom.
4. The Unattainable Manga
Raina: *tries to reach for a manga on the top shelf at a book store* ... *gets a stool* ... I'm still too short! DX
5. The Fish Man
Man at fish store: Have you done something new with your hair?
Mum: Why yes, I have. ^^
Man: And I see that your daughter's grown from the last time I saw her.
Raina: The last you saw me was 3 months ago and I haven't grown an inch in 5 years.
Man: ... That'll be $8.40.
Raina: *mumbles* Bastard.
Yesterday, I was waiting for the bus to uni... It came and went, without stopping at the bus stop. O.o Just went straight past about 5 of us that were there. o.O I had to wait for the next bus, which was half an hour later. No big deal...
I was waiting in the sun (no shade around) so I got heat stroke. x.x Then motion sick on the bus. x_x Then the classroom was freazing! X.x Then my teacher told me that she lost ALL of the assignments I had handed in so far (I think 9 of them). x.X I was feeling so aweful that my friend sent me home after the first class. -_-'''
I'm starting to feel better now at least... *goes to her corner*
Keeping with my new rule of "No posting after 1am", it's now 12:45am. ^^' If you don't know what I'm talking about, read my previous post, and you'll be even more confused. ^.~
Japan's Lower House has elected its new prime minister, Taro Aso. (Full news HERE) Prime Minister Aso, as some of you may know, is a manga otaku. Yes, Japan has an otaku for a prime minister...
Effects to the manga industry had started by Aso's candidacy, with shares going up. (Reported by BBC News) Although the recent upheaval on Wall Street may change this. Either way, I'm hoping for the best for the manga world.
On BBC News, Aso is also quoted to saying "It is my hope that manga, through these works, will act as a bridge to the world." And on his official website, he talks about the importance of manga in the world. Unfortunately, it's written entirely in Japanese, so I may try to translate it one day. ^^
Partly coz my religion doesn't get involved with politics whatsoever, partly coz I can't vote in any country and partly coz I have next to no interest in politics, I don't really care who got voted. (My only political view is that since American politics influences the entire world, the entire world should be allowed to vote on their presidents... Ah, a girl can dream, right? lol) I'm just glad that the new Prime Minister actually knows some English, since he studied at Stanford University and at the London School of Economics. Although why these two institutions are ommitted on the profile on his website is a mystery to me. (the link is to the English version of his profile)
I think his overseas education should be mentioned in his profile. The Japanese should be reassured that an international blunder, like the one by Former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, will be avoided coz Aso should know how to say "How are you?".
Allow me to explain the major embarrassment Former Prime Minister Mori inflicted upon himself...
During the 26th G8 summit in 2000, Mori was to greet Former President Bill Clinton in English. He was told to memorise the following dialogue:
Mori: How are you?
Clinton: I'm good, thank you, and you?
Mori: Me too.
Instead what happened was:
Mori: Who are you?
Clinton: I'm Hillary's husband, and you?
Mori: Me too.
I don't think Mori would ever live down this mistake... Not if this innocent littler blogger has anything to say about it. lol
Anyway, best of luck to the 68 year young Prime Minister Aso.