It's officially winter! XD Well, it finally feels like that for me anyway. XP I did my final exam yesterday, so I'm on my winter break until August! Bwahahahaha!!! XD
My Legal Interpreting exam was so hard! T.T Shop lifting, police interview, police statement, cross-examination, Australian legal hierarchy, the Japanese new citizen judge system... *dead* I think I passed but still. Urgh. I'm telling you interpreting is very difficult. 30 minutes of interpreting feels like an 8 hour office job... Very draining. English Text and Writing exam... Oh boy... -_-' 2 essays in 2 hours wasn't bad. "The Waste Land" by Eliot and "The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway. But my hand is still killing me! Playing that cup cake vs raisin game didn't help my hand at all. Hehe. XP
Oh and my schooling year isn't over. ^^' In Australia, the school year starts at the end of January/beginning of February. My uni is beginning of March... But yeah, so I'm right in the middle of the school year now. The new semester starts in August.
ANYWAY!!! New theme! Kya~! XD The image in the intro was done by AkumaKurai. He's a very dear friend of mine who recently joined TheO. X3 My big brother! XD *hugs him* He's really good at graphics and stuff. And he even made my new avatar for me. X3 I'm so happy he joined. ^^ Welcome to TheO, big brother! XD It'd be nice if people said hi to him. I mean, you don't have to... But you know... ^^''' Hehe...
Next week's the Supanova con here in Sydney. I really need to make my cosplays. ^^' Oh and expect A LOT of pictures this year too! ^^ I got a new memory card for my camera and it's 512mb. So I can take over 600 pictures conbined with my 126mb. XP I'm going to be spending the weekend at the hotel there with my friend. So I'll be away from next Friday till Monday. ^^' But I'll post until then. ^.~
Btw, someone's been visiting my World constantly. From when I last posted until now, I've gotten 89 visits... Which is incredibly weird! That's aside from the fact I only got 3 comments... 10 out of that 89 visits are me and AkumaKurai when I was making this theme... 3 visits from the comments... So where did the 76 visits come from? If it's a glitch, oh well. But if someone's visiting me continuously, then please stop. I don't want to know who did it or why... Just please stop.
Gya! It's almost 4am. >.< I gotta run off to bed. ^^' Bye!