I'm back from the convention. Hehe. X3 It was a whole weekend of fun, excitement, weirdness, creepiness, happiness and lots of screaming. XD I'm still sorting out the pictures right now. ^^' There's 240 of them. @.@ You'll have to wait for them, but here are my cosplay pics just as a sneak peek. ^.~
Cosplay 1 This is me as Kamiya Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin on Friday night. That's a Sagara Sanosuke plushie I bought at the con last year. He's so cute. XD I've never put a yukata (summer kimono) on by myself before... It damn near killed me. @.@
Cosplay 2 Here's me as Noyamano Ringo from Air Gear on Saturday. That's my high school uniform's neck tie and the pins are from last year's con. XP
Cosplay 3 This was my Haruno Sakura cosplay from Naruto Shippuuden for Sunday. XD I bought that kunai on Saturday. ^^
I'm wearing Ringo's cardigan right now and I can use Sakura's kunai holster to carry my phone when I wear my jeans (the pockets' too small for my phone)... Cosplay recycling for a normal day. XD
Anyway, today I had to go to the dentist about my wisdom teeth and get a referral for the dental surgeon. T.T I was avoiding the dentist for 2 years now… But that lady caught me. >.> There's this tiny hole in my bottom left back tooth that she's been wanting to treat for 4 years now. ^^' And I was trapped. >.> I don't have a cavity but she wanted to seal it just in case... My first filling ever! T.T *dies* Oh well at least all of my other teeth are really healthy. XP
When I signed in today, my backroom was filled with updates. @.@ So I'll try to get to all of them by the end of this week… But I'm not making any promises. I'm sorry. T.T But if there’s anything important that I missed, please let me know. ^^