I have like less than half an hour before class. Gotta make this short... (it's 10:40am now of the 18th... which is 7:40pm the 17th TheO time)
I've been having stomach aches/cramps for about a week now, so mum's taking me to the doctor after uni. Gya~ it really hurts... I can't even stand up at times. T.T I don't think anyone should worry. It's most likely caused by stress. And I've also been having headaches from my wisdom teeth. Gr...
Anyway, stuff at home... It's rather confusing, actually. My parents seem to be in an alright mood. o.o Like border-line happy. O.O I guess getting out that they want a separation helped relieve some stress? Onto me. Dad was even whistling the other day. But still, the slightest thing sets my parents off. Heh. I swear it's like they have bipolar disorder. ^^'
I've been coming to uni hours earlier than I have to, just to get out of the house.
Mum's been saying how a separation doesn't happen over night. So this might take a while. With my religion (Baha'i Faith), a divorce isn't so easily accepted. My parents would have to take a year to try and reconsile before they can actually get divorced. So I've got a whole year to deal with this stress. Haha... -_-"""
I have a Legal Interpreting exam today that I haven't really studied for. Honestly, I don't really care. I have to read a passage in English to myself and then read it aloud in Japanese (sight translation). Not my strong point. I prefer reading in Japanese and saying it in English, which is my exam for next week. I'll just get an F or something this week, and an A next week. That should balance out my grade.
I'm so sleepy... I've only been sleeping for like 4 hours everyday. Haven't had any coffee either. But other than that, I'm just so weak right now... *bangs head on the desk*
Oh and I forgot to bring my folder. >.< I don't think I'll need it for class, but I still want to have my class stuff with me...
Ah one last thing. No one knows about my parents' separation other than you guys. ^^' So shhh. ^.~ I think my parents would kill me if they found out I posted about it. x.x
Um... yeah that's it.
... How depressing was this post!? Here's a joke by my friend, J. He's the older brother of the kids that didn't know anime.
"Did you know that the hammerhead shark has a head shaped like a hammer?"