I'm so confused

I don't remember if I submitted my picture of Karkat to the Homestuck challenge thing and it just hasn't been accepted
Or if I never submitted it in the first place.

asdfghjkhgfdsa cosplay rant rant rant. :|

I'm having a difficult time deciding who I would like to cosplay if I'm going to Anime Matsuri in April. (asdfghdsa I rant about stuff like this a lot)
I've kind of been wanting to be Len Kagamine.... but then I've been wanting to do Terezi Pyrope for a while. Len is on the cheap side and pretty easy to pull off, and Terezi would be a bit expensive and seems pretty hard (cause I'm a noob hurrrr). Also, since my friend is gonna be Neru I thought I'd be her Len. o v o
Len Kagamine- http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2011/101/a/f/len_kagamine_by_valithax12-d3drpnz.jpg
terezi Pyrope- http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/108/b/8/terezi_by_candycanesmoke-d3e9g4v.jpg

Find me on Tumblr and dA and all that good stuff

I'm going to get this over with first.

Tumblr- http://deadly-ginger-rainbows.tumblr.com
deviantART- http://roxasluvxiii.deviantart.com
TinierMe- Xenan XIII

That's pretty much it.
