I shouldnt set Goals

Whenever i set goals for myself i never get even close to a complishing it.><
I have no idea why that happens, but tis true...
So i think ill set some goals for myself over break.

1.Take a shower every day.
2. Not eat like a cow just cuz im bored
3.Get more excersise

................huh.......thats probably not going to happen...

Ok this is my real goal.
I just got done with the 3rd chapter of the sss. so im going to switch over to lees angel and try to get a chapter done...really sounds impossible but im going to try to get as much as i can done with it....yeah
...im probably going to do a bunch of pages...then after i get a bunch done tone them and then post them...yeah...that sounds good....
Oh i started a christmas picture with my 3 main stories.
(lees angel,better of forgotten,screwed)
Ill try to get it done...

With tons of Love.

All Most Done

Just one more day before im off for 2 weeks.

Tomorrow im going to be late getting to the ctc because my home school is having a christmas assembly...yay?

I really wanted to not miss the super happy fun time of having nothing to do tomorrow in school but i guess im going to miss a chunk of lab time with most of my friends sigh...

I really hope i dont forget to bring their gifts and...stuff....Shit! I dont have anything to bring for the party!!! CRAP!!!
Nooooo!!! I couldnt get out of the house today and my mom didnt bring me any!!!!DX
.............T^T WAAAH!!

Im getting Contacts!

Im getting Contacts!! Yay im so happy.X3....though since i have astigmatisim(sp) they had to order special training contacts so its going to be a few days(i think thats wat they said) before really anything happens...
I look so much better without my glasses.X3....but it might be hard for me cuz i have a thing about putting things in my eyes.><

Its apparently really nasty outside right now even though nothing is really happening....i heard it was really bad out on the high ways....but i really doubt we arent going to school tomorrow cuz i mean....West Carrollton goes to school in a blizzard.-_-
My dad said be wanted us to be off tomorrow and when i asked y he just said he wanted us to have a day off once in a while..............? weird......anywaaaaaay...

A group of friends and I drew our OCs so we can see what our ocs look like in different styles....did that make sense?><
Well for my oc i picked Vanessa.
Im going to post it once i get them all inked.X3
But man its hard with the 2 that draw really light and loose...im having a hard time figuring out what lines to ink.><

I hate math! I forgot everything we did for the last few weeks and i have no idea what im doing!!DX

I accepted AngelsBest Dream's(is that right?) challenge...so now i have to make 90 comments in a week....its really not hard....when im at school and my internet doesnt suck...i mean it takes forever for me to make just one comment that i just end up getting bored and quiting after a while.>< oops...I can make it though!XD i know it!X3




Ok i forgot....I got the FMA Anime Art Book too
And i might get the 2nd FMA Game, and the only reason im going to get it again is because my brother let a friend of his borrow it without asking me if i could, and i dont even know who this guy is and my brother just told me to go ask for it.-_- its been months so i dont even know if the guy still has it...damn....I DONT KNOW THE GUY!!!D=<
So if he doesnt go get it im going to replace it!!!

Ok...i do like surprieses when it comes to getting gifts but we havent gotten surprise gifts in a while and my family is too skrewed up right now to even consider it, i mean im not getting anything from most of my family members cuz they are all bums who dont work...literaly!!!
Anyway...at least my mom decided to give us 100 again.^////^
i got everything i wanted so im happy.^^
....wow i feel selfish._.

i got my friends presents.^^
I dont know what to give them so im giving them candy!XD
Maddie gets beef jerky.....abby gets reeces and dawn gets....hello pandas.XD