I has an Ed!

My wish will finally be granted!!X3
I will offically be able to cosplay an FMA character and my favorite, Al<3
Even though i made an Ed cosplay i never got to wear it to a con because a friend of mine always wore it and when i did wear it i never had the hair so i didnt feel like i was EdX3
And im more of an Al anyway<3

I want to cosplay as Movie Al (because making armor is way beyond what i can manage) and what is Al without his EdXD so i needed an edX3
So while i was coming up with this this morning i decided that my good friend Emi would be perfect cuz shes slightly shorter than i amXD
And shes going to be dressed as movie Ed. Even though she likes the anime coat better shes willing to be movie ed so we matchX3<3
Ive never been cosplaying in the same 'group' as someone before so im excited nowX3
Im going to try to make her automail too to make it exat as possibleX3
I think it would be so much fun if we could walk across the stage at a con.
(im not creative enough to come up with a skit)


I finally got my still life down!!!

So fucking screwed

I have a still life due for class on tuseday...and i have tomorrow to work on it...i think my procrastination finally screwed me over big time...its just that...its in my room and i like to work at the computer and i really really hate being in my room by myself...so i havent gotten around to working on it, and the picture i took of it sucks so much ass...T^T

Oh on another hand!!
Join my FMA Fanclub!!XD

To do List

Well im going to be having a 4 day weekend this week...so..i guess i should try to get a bunch of things done...

Such as

-finish the first chapter of raine
-work on mistaken
-work on the sss
-request Aaron and Wrathsgirl
-kinda request vic and aaron cosplaying ed and al
-start and finish my still life for school .3. ...
-make a new sss cover (yeah im in the mood againXD ill probably make this one right after i get this chapter of raine done)

Oh! and speaking of the sss! I changed what the first page says!>< what do you guys think?


...Though i kinda feel bad about it myself though...though if you guys are ok with it i am!X3

Fullmetal Alchemist Lucky Star Dance

This makes me happy on so many levelsXD