
With my comics i mean.><
The just go at it kind of state of mind doesnt seem like its going to work for me cuz that just makes me put things im going to have to come up with a schedule, something that will make me get pages done=3
And I dont want to just do the sss any more, im like really really dying to draw my other 2 again, i mean i dont like the parts that they are at but i cant get to the good stuff until i get the kinda boring part overXD

So here is what im thinking.
A page a day for 6 days and then on sunday ill take a break or draw whatever i want to^^

Oh and by the way im changing the title of my fma comic cuz i hate it!! Im going to call it Equivilent Exchange and i dont care how cliche it is cuz i like it!!!

Lets see

Wensday-The SSS
Saturday-The SSS

Sound good?
Ill start this mondayXD
Tomorrow im going to finish up 2 pages of the sss before i start this and i need to make a new cover for EE.=3

I promised myself the other day that i would just put up with the art and the toning in EE and RAINE and just continue it. Though im probably going to edit the text so its all in Comic Sans all caps or watever its calledXD


<b>STILL LIFE!!!!!</b>

The other thing i need to find time for is my still life that is a project for my class.>< i have it all set up and everything so all i need to do is get myself started on it, usually after i get started i get into the mood to do it and i Acutally like doing it.=3 maybe that is what ill try to do on Sunday.=3

Sunday-Still life =3


On another note!!


And im finally going to get my FMAXD thats not all though im really happy that i am going to get to see him again^^
And im sure we are going to get to go to kings island with him so thats going to be fun^^ (an amusement park) Ill try to ride as many big rides as possible even if i am afraid^^
That might hurt my schedule><


My dad sister and I have befriended one of the stray cats that live around my house^^ He is just the sweetest thing, he pures all the time and talks to you to.=3 the bad thing is, is that he is such an attention whoreXD
My other cats dont like them so he makes sure he gets all the attention when they are around.><
Poor thing though is all beat up. He has half and ear...not kidding, i dont know if its a deformaty or if he got it messed up in a fight(kitty got balls!...really!!) hes all scratched up and flee bitten....still love him though^^


Sorry for a long journal=3 that is just how i am. Oh and if im spelling schedule sorry...i dont have a MAC.XD
