I want to draw...pokemon...holy crap college!

Yeah...I really want to draw my pokemon comic right now. I think it might be because DP is ending, but I just really want to. But I just feel like I'm forced to keep to a schedule and just draw RAINE or EE...as if I'm doing this as a professional not just a fan...Honestly, I think I should be able to draw Jubaku if I want to and not hold back because of this schedule or list.
Like right now I don't even feel like drawing EE. I'm not going to quit because I like it but...man I want to draw something pokemon.
Right now I even know if I can complete pages during school because of my manga studio problem...
Ugh...I just don't want to come off as a person who starts things but never finishes them...Jubaku is a completed story so...that might also be a reason I want to draw it.
RAINE, EE and Jubaku have all been thought out, start to finish, unlike other stories I have....Blarg...what to do...

Man I can't believe I'm starting college in 10 days...maybe I should start packing...

Oh also...I lost my class schedule...f-....damn...

Man Paul...he...he just...DAMN IT! It's...crap...spoilers. Man I love that character and if he doesn't go to Isshu or whatever it is called I'm not going to watch pokemon anymore. His character is so incomplete in my opinion. I guess you could see it that after...stuff in the last episode happened....that he's better but I just think there could be more.
