

I honestly can't work on pages right now and it is driving me insane!!!!!
Even though I have manga studio on my laptop it refuses to work right. Every other line doesn't get put down when I am trying to sketch and the lineart...so um...balls.
I have a page of jubaku in the works but it is literally taking me 5 times as long to get done...it's a bitch.

So I won't be able to update regularly until I get an updated version of manga studio and since I am 'broke', I have no idea how long that will take. Maybe a couple of months because it is 143 on amazon...but it is for vista but Paulie says it will run anyway.
That is another reason why it might take longer because I'm worried about buying it and it not working right...
Sorry guys! Honestly though, it really hurts me to not be able to work on pages.
I guess I could just get the debut version.><

Yep I have a new list of things I want to do now...which is kinda weird because I never knew what to do before.

Honchcrow ginjika
Kafei-Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
Revolutionary War- Britain...haha, the funny story behind this one was that when I watched it with Paul we said there was no way we were going to cosplay anything from Hetaila....well...now we are.XD She is going to be Revolutionary War America
Pitt-Kid Icarus
