Tagged XD

After failing to comply when i was tagged by Lunalei ill make it up by doubling my facts to 16 when i was kinda sorta tagged by kiki! XD

1. full name Christa Donn Boocher
2. 16 b-day Apirl 7 1992
3. im going to be in the 11th grade at the Miami Valley Career Tech Center
4. Im Rock Lee's Stalker/fangirl/ almost girlfriend.
5. I believe in God.
6. I have a dog named after Alphonse Elric =3
7. Im 5'4
8. I live in Ohio
9. Ive been to Colorado
10. ive had only one bf and i dated him for...1 day.
11. i broke up with him.
12. I want to me an animator or a manga artist XD
13. My dream is to find real life lee, call him lee even if it pisses him off.
14. I have over 100 mangas.(books not titles)
15. Over 50 animes (volumes not titles.
16.my dad is 68 years old

yep there you go! XD
if you read this you are tagged!!! Write 8 things about urself XD

