The fight between and Neji and Raine are coming to an end, actually is pretty much over, and i dont want to continue a different comic until i at least get to the end of this chapter and im almost there so....yayX3
Im already working on the next page.X3 wow i cant believe ive been working this long on it.X3
today i cosplayed as ed to school today.X3
i pretty much had everything but the wig, but the original wig i bought for it was crappy so crappy that i called it the dead cat, i no longer have the dead cat.X3
Lets see other cosplays i saw at school today
my friends
Dawn:Sharol(sp) from D-grayman
Abby:Lulu from D-grayman
Maddie as Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho.X3
It was pretty fun today.
In lab class we didnt do anything but talk and the 4 of us were talking about cons and talking about going to ohayocon.X3
im so excited.^^