
Ok i forgot....I got the FMA Anime Art Book too
And i might get the 2nd FMA Game, and the only reason im going to get it again is because my brother let a friend of his borrow it without asking me if i could, and i dont even know who this guy is and my brother just told me to go ask for it.-_- its been months so i dont even know if the guy still has it...damn....I DONT KNOW THE GUY!!!D=<
So if he doesnt go get it im going to replace it!!!

Ok...i do like surprieses when it comes to getting gifts but we havent gotten surprise gifts in a while and my family is too skrewed up right now to even consider it, i mean im not getting anything from most of my family members cuz they are all bums who dont work...literaly!!! least my mom decided to give us 100 again.^////^
i got everything i wanted so im happy.^^ i feel selfish._.

i got my friends presents.^^
I dont know what to give them so im giving them candy!XD
Maddie gets beef jerky.....abby gets reeces and dawn gets....hello pandas.XD
