Back From Ohayocon

This is really srry. that its all over I can say the good and the bad and I'm no longer PMSing so Im goodX3

Alright...first I have a question...Why do they have a cheerleading competition a christian convention and an Anime Con all in the same place all at the same time?XD

And Jesus came to the con this weekend tooX3

Well I'm going to start with the bad><

Our room was booked in the wrong hotel.

And one of our con badges was lost(which we managed to get in the end so it was all good.)

On Saturday I lost one of my contacts down the sink.

So dead on Sunday that we just left early.

I had to hang out with my mom and my sisters friend><(actually that wasnt so bad)

Saturday was a good dayX3

First I stood in line with Emi(my sisters friend who is also my friend) and my mom for Aaron Dismuke's autograph signing which we were in that line for about 2 hoursDX.

And while i was in line...There was an Ed and Al cosplayer standing near the front of the line. Oo i was in the middle.
Since I really love Al i had to go over there and give 'him' a I did!XD
She was really happy I knew she was Al and not Ed and(it was movie ed and al) i gave her a hugX3 and then i had to give ed a hugXD and being so excited I gave them both another hugXD
The ppl in front of me in line thought my little dolls for vic and aaron were cuteXD
Anyway! The signing was in the main room (on the other side of the freakin convention center><
Where vics panel was going to be after the signing...thing was there were so many ppl that wanted an autograph that they had to move us into the hall way which wasnt so bad cuz id still be able to see Aaron. When were were like 5 ppl away from Aaron...Some freakin staff lady came up to us and asked us to get out of line and come back to get a signature on sunday so the ppl who were only going to be there are saturday could get a signature...WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER!!!
Why didnt she start at the back of the line where ppl havent been waiting as long as us!
We didnt leave the line thoughX3
Alright...I have to get all fangirly on you for a second cuz aaron is really really adorable!!....And hes just hot.XD and has a nice smile and he has really long legs and thats really awesomeXD His voice is so cute too!!XD srryX3
So anyway!! I put the doll down on the table and i think i said 'here' and he asked me if i wanted him to sign it and i said 'no its for you' and something about how its a present for him and stuff and he just got really really excitedX3
He said things about how awesome it was and thank you and that he really like itX3
The he asked me for a hug!XD
I didnt have to ask for one cuz he asked me!!XD
*fangirl corner*
He is so tall!XD (6'2)
So my face was like in his chestXD
Then i wanted a pictureX3
Emi like took a picture while the hug was coming apart so we took another one where he put his arm around my shoulder...(im so short next to himX3)
They Emi said it might not have come out right so she asked if she could take it again he said no but then said alright really quickly so we took another pictureX3
then the staff lady ran up to us and told aaron no more pictures and hugs so we got the last ones!XD I was so lucky!!X3
So he quickly signed my fma art book my al plushie and emis shoeXD(im so glad my mom got him to sign the plushie cuz its rubbing off my bookT^T)
His sig is so funnyXD
(emi my sister and mom left and my cousin stayed with me)
Anyway!!XD After that i went to vics panel so i could give him his dollX3
Do you know how hard it is to get him to come to you?!(i wanted to leave early so i could get to aarons panel)
I held my hand up and was waving it around for like a half hour.
Then i stood up and waved my hard around.
Then when i was getting really desprite and like held it out to him while he was coming to the back. He looked at me funny cuz he wasnt sure what it was and then he came over to me.
the conversatation was like this
'Wow cool wats that?' vic
'Its a paper doll' me (i set it on my hand so he could see it standing)
'Wow who is it?'
'Oh its you'XD
'Really? I didnt know cuz its cuter than i am'
'Thanks a lot^^'
(i hand it to him and he gives me a hugXD he smells niceX3)

After that i leave really quickly cuz aarons panel was on the other of the freakin center!!

(i got back with the others with this panel)

My cousin karah and emi kept telling me how cute aaron was a karah really wanted to tell him he was gorgousX3
During the panel he talked about how awesome the snow was cuz he lives in texas and there inst much snow there><
He said he made a snow angel to calm his nerves before the con.X3
His mom kept telling him to do stuff. then he tells us itXD
*he stands up*
'my mom told me to stand up'
'my mom just told me to spit my gum out'
He really wanted to have a snow ball fight with all of us but his mom wouldnt let him.....sigh...i really wanted to pelt him with snowXD
He also kept bringing up my doll i gave him talking about how cool it was and stuffX3(he didnt have it out a lady had it(well i lady he knew but i dont know who she is to him) to keep it safe)
That was really awesomeXD
Emi leaned over and told me about how she was in the dealers room earlier and he was at a booth playing with itXD
(man i really wish there was a snowball fight.3.)
Someone asked him if he was obsessed with cats like Al.
But he said he wasnt but that he really did like stray cats and that whenever he sees one he has to squat down and meow at them to get them to come over and that he would sit there for like a half hourXD
(that gives me a picture ideaXD i wonder if he was really being serious about that cuz that would be awesomeXD)
Im kinda mad at myself cuz i couldnt think of questions until after the panelT^T
Actually i did ask one.
I asked him if the ending of trinity blood irritated him cuz ion was acting retarded.X3 he said no cuz he was just happy cuz he was in itX3 and that he thought it was coolX3
(passing out from writing)
*gasping for breath*
@.@ After that we ran back to the other side to go to vics concertXD
Which was awesomeX3
It was a bunch of his songs like always but there was one surprise im not allowed to get into cuz he told us not too.X3
but has anyone heard of
Fullmetal Fantasy?XD(its a live action thing made by vic and friends)
The skits were after that and that was another line i had to wait in with my momX3 cuz vics concerts line was awfulDX
the skit line was worseDX
Im really sorry to Maddie and Rin! Im sorry you guys didnt get in!
A bunch of the skits were awesomeX3 many of them were so funnyXD

Oh i didnt record much or take many pictures>< im really sorry guys!
The only pictures i have is the ones of me and aaron(which are on a disposible so we dont know if they are good are not cuz i forgot my camera in the room>< and a bunch of pictures of aaron that Emi took cuz hes just really nice to look atXD
most of them came out blurry and stuff cuz he really has a hard time standing stillX3

I didnt go to the dealers room until sunday...and even then i didnt even buy much of anything
I got
Kanon volume 6
Lucky star 5

I really just want FMA stuff and since its older they dont(wellthere were some things but i dont want keychains)

Since i had so much money left i got
Moribito at best buy when i got backX3

I think thats itXD

Srry for such a long journal.
