Story Idea

I had a dream like this last night and i kinda liked it so i just went with it and filled in the gaps....>.>...
this is the begining of the story...its not really well written cuz i typed it out really quickly....><....tell me whatcha think><

The kinda main character is Michael(15)
He was like one of the schools(a random school sure) star baseball players(random sport) who is afraid of water and cant swim, and he disapeared about 2 months ago(in da story! maybe more im not sure><) His parents are the owners of this indoor pool/waterpark...that is pretty much connected to their house. After Michael dissapeared the waterpark was closed off to the public for no reason, its winter but since its indoor it was usually open all the time.
Then the story goes to Catlin a girl who just moved into town(of course) who ends up meeting up with this girl named Tiffany who insists on being friends with her.
Tiffany insists that they go check out the closed pool. and that it was closed after Micheal dissapeared.
Well Catlin later went to the store to get somethings seen Tiff trying to get past the gate to the property of the pool(on the walk home from the store)
She decides to help her out.
The get to the inside pool which has huge glass windows that you can just look into at the pool cuz the blinds werent completly closed.
the pool is like 2 floors, (this is hard to describe><) the pool is on the first and then there is like a second one above where water poors down into the bottem all the time. there is a rope tied to the second floor so you can climb up to it.
They look in and see a shadow swimming around in the pool it looks like a big fish.
And then suddenly the fish lefts its head out of the water...but it wasnt a fish it was a guy...with a fish tail...a Mermaid!...MerMAN!...XD
Tiffany freaks out and backs away from the window.
She looks at Cat and tell her that, that is micheal!
Cat brings up the movie The Thirteenth year saying if it was like that.(which is a diseny movie where a this boy when he turned 13 started turning back into a merman because his mom dropped him off to live with humans to protect him, and it started whenever he was touched with water when he was like swimming and stuff.)
Tiff told her to stop being dumb because this wasnt a movie and Michael was 15 and even if it was ture that he hated water and couldnt swim so that couldnt be the case, then Tiff tells her a story where there was a pool party here but Mich wouldnt go into the deep end and no one knew y and then one of his friends pushed him in the deep end and he started to freak out and was like drowning, thats how everyone found out.
They look back into the window and they see the merman climbing the rope pull himself up to the balcony(theres a word for it!) with just is arms his tail thrashing about.
Tiff is kinda freaked but they just stare at him trying to get up, he manages to get to the top of the rope but is having trouble pulling himself up because of the water flow. he slips and crashes back down in the water. He seems to be having a panic attack and is thrashing around.
He doesnt seem like he is able to get back his composer.
Tiff freaks out again and tries to pull the window open, she cant get it open and begs for Cat to help here, some how they manage to break open the lock and get inside.
Tiff runs towards 'michael' and jumps in the water and pulls him toward the shallow waters. Getting a better look at his face shows that yes...this merMAN is indeed Micheal.

The reason he flipped out was because he had the pool flash back and forgot he was a merMAN....XD after staring at Michael for a while both of them stare at his tail....Cat looks like shes about to touch it but seems a little grossed out by it. but starts to pet it anyway.*she shivers a bit at first*
Cat mumbles something about who its real...its really real. Mich kinda passed out a bit but then slowing comes back saying something about being felt up by a couple of girls. Cat stops immediatly and backs up, he seems confused and dazed, he asks where he is and what they were doing there and y he was in the water talking about how he cant swim and how much he hates the water. the girls stares at him because they are confused on y hes asking those things cuz he should know. He looks down and remembers having a tail and no legs. he pushes tiff away and jumps into the water and swims away from them peering only a little out of the water, he seems kinda scared that they are there. He starts talking about how they are going to tell everyone and that ppl are going to take him away and do strange things to him and stuff. Tiff stands up and holds her hands out to him reasurringly and tries to tell him that its ok and that they werent going to tell anything to anyone.(if you cant tell Tiff has a little crush on him)
He calms down a bit and says he thinks he knows who tiff is and tries to guess her name, she says tiffany and he remembers and then she explains who cat is.
Tiff asks how he got this way, he said he didnt know and that he kinda just woke up one day with his father telling him not to freak out or be scared. he tried to move his legs but they didnt seem to move right so he fliped over the blankets and he didnt have legs anymore but a fish tail....of course he freaked out. He then told them that after that his dad closed the pool down and that he has been there ever since, and that he hadnt talked to anymore or seen anyone but his dad since then and not even his mom.
