I hate the ending to digimon

The Digimon ending i am talking about is the ending of the 2nd season...man i hate it and it pretty much made me feel the same way i felt when i first saw it...pretty crappy!DX

Why do they all have to grow up in the end!!DX and 25 years latter! is that even nessisary!DX It leaves me to room to imagine what happens next cuz we already know that!DX and them being all old is pretty depressing to me.><

So being all depressed up that crappy ass ending im trying to come up with a story in my head to make me feel better.....

which i have btwXD

But now im trying to piece all the story parts together to make one big story so i cant concentrate on other things...and now i wanna draw it.....ah damn...i really need to stop this!!DX help me!!
