Con Adventures with Lots of Aaron!

Wow I am finally back from the con and I am sooooooooo tired. Its probably the best con I’ve been too so far^^. But in a way it was kind of depressing for me.(Which I’ll explain at the end of this, it’s kind of silly).
I managed to spend all my money this time at the con. XD which is rare. But at this con they had a whole lot of fma stuff!! It was awesome! <3
I bought
1. Ed and Al Action Figures
2. An Ed and Al wall scroll
4. A deck of Fullmetal Alchemist playing cards. (Different from the ones that I had)
5. An Al Hat
6 An Al Change Purse
7. An Al Button that I got from the Artist Alley.
8. An Fma Poster
8. Digimon deck of playing cards
9. Twilight Princess wall scroll.

I believe that is it^^ But it all together cost 100 dollars. XD Wow.

Well anyway, I think some of you guys are wondering how my comic ‘Beware of Fangirls’ went over with Aaron. XD
Well that is a long story because being a huge fan girl I’m going to tell you all the moments where Aaron and I made contact. X3

When I first gave it too him there wasn’t much of a reaction and then he asked me if it starred him. I said yes it does, It’s you on the cover=3.

Aaron: wow so its like me me and not a character?

me: yes

Aaron: that is awesome!

then Aaron turns around and says to his buddy, 'I got a comic that stars me, I bet your so jealous'

his friend: you mean like you you?

Aaron: yes

friend: wow that is so cool

(then they talked about it for a while)

So after that I got Aaron to sign my copy. I backed off so other people could get stuff signed by Aaron. I waited a while and my mom came back and I asked her if she could take a picture of me with Aaron. she said yes so I went back over to Aaron and asked him if I could have a picture with him, he said yes. so I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me but my mom couldn’t figure out how to use the camera. So we sat there for like 5 minutes in that pose. i got up to help her and i sat back down and we did the pose again(Aaron thought this was funny). i thought mom took the picture so i got up but my mom didn’t take the picture. so i had to ask him a third time to take a picture he again thought this was funny and made a comment about how she finally had it down. so after that we took the picture. I said thank you and stuff and left.

(Man Aaron is so adorable)

Well anyway after that I ended up running into him in the artist alley. A bunch of Aaron fan girls had cornered him in a little corner and were asking him for pictures. I really didn’t want to go up to him during this time because he was already being crowed, but my mom really wanted a picture with me and my sister with Aaron so we wanted for the little crowd to clear up a bit and I said hi again and told him that my mom wanted a picture of him with my sister and me, he of course so sure and I had to tell him my sister was Al and he said cool. XD my sister didn’t smile. >< I’m pretty sure both Aaron…and VIC… think she hates them.>< She says she doesn’t mean to but she is always glaring at people.

After that I got too see Aaron again at another panel. He was like sitting in the crowd talking to some staff who were his baby sitters. He had a nerf gun…lols. XD he turns around and sees Chuck Huber walk in and starts to shoot him with the gun and gets him right in the chest. X3 Aaron jumps around the people in the row over to Chuck. Chuck starts to throw the darts at him and Aaron ends up on the ground deflecting these darks with like his feet and stuff. X3 After that Chuck proceeds to beat Aaron with a chair….just kidding. X3 Chuck picked up a chair and acted like he was going to but he didn’t. Chuck goes to the front for the panel and Aaron pretty much sits down next to me. ><...on the back of the chair, I thought he was going to fall over. his baby sitters came over to him again and he asked if he could shoot them both of them said no and tried to take it from him but he wasn’t going to let it go easily they pretty much got him out of the chair and one of them was behind him and the other was like trying to tickle him he’s not ticklish....bummer well they get his gun and walk away with it (jerks) so he’s next to me again sitting like and I guess we were talking about the panel and stuff for a bit and he asked for my program to look at it and stuff and then he went to the front of the room. And I couldn’t stop thinking about how I totally blew it right there.
I also have to mention here that I managed to pick up some ones con schedule. DX After I got home and flipped through it I saw that most of the voice actors had signed the book and wrote little notes to her, man I feel like such a douche bag even though I didn’t mean to do it…

Well after that panel there was dodge ball…which I wanted to play but I didn’t get picked to be on either Aaron’s or Vic’s team…I guess I’m not in enthusiastic enough. Aaron was hanging about with friends there, which…again made it hard to talk to him, half of them looked like prissy little girls in fluffy dresses and a lot of make up>< Not really the type of people you’d see at Cons so, I…was scared pretty much.

I was kidnapped by a 12 year old during this time so that was pretty entertaining. XD

And the last time I got to see Aaron was at the last panel on Sunday, first before the panel my friend Marie had to ask again if he liked my comic, he again said yes he actually read all the way through it and it was really funny. ^^ I think he might have thought we didn’t believe him the first time so he worded it that way. XD The panel was really funny and awesome^^ so at the end when i was leaving the con I had to tell Aaron goodbye and i got another hug X3 all cool right? Well after I game him a hug and told him goodbye...then i told him he had a toink in his hair because it was cute and i was like staring at it the whole time at the panel so while I was there it kind of just came out>< in a way it was kind of funny because he got really nervous and started messing with his hair. He told me he didn’t know what a toink was so I told him its where a little bit of hair sticks up that made him freak out a little more because he told me he didn’t have time to have fixed it in the morning. X3 after that i told him it was ok cuz i thought it was cute. X3 After I said that he smiled at me and I said good bye again and left.=3...Aaron has such a pretty smile. I’m really hoping it was ok. I think I can tell when Aaron is faking a smile and when he isn’t, so I’m pretty sure it was a real one. He usually has a really toothy smile when he means it.^^

If you guys are wondering, yes I do have pictures of my sister and I as Ed and Al and pictures of me and Aaron but sadly I am not I’m not in possession of these pictures. My mom is, and since I don’t live with her, everyone is just going to have to wait.

Alright, there reason I was kind of depressed part of the time was due to my crippling shyness…Like I just have this huge desire to be a really friend to Aaron. But not in some creepy sort of fan girl way. I mean I am well aware of the fact that I am just a fan girl. But when ever I see Aaron doing something silly I just want to be his friend, he just seems like a fun person to be around and really sweet and fun. And I don’t think it’s an act because he is always like that, not just when you are talking to him.
What makes it even harder is that he is never alone, he is either at a panel, being attacked by fan girls, with his baby sitters or with his actual friends…friends that he met at cons. Which I really wish I was like them>< I mean I know Aaron is just a normal guy and all, but I have trouble with even just ‘normal’ people. The whole time I was talking to him my voice was shaking and I kept stressing over what I was saying, like I was always restraining myself trying to keep myself from saying something creepy or too fangirly…
Maybe I have to stop doing that, I guess there is a possible next time as long as he’s at a con close enough for me to go to…
