Hello Visitor! /(°<°)/

Favorite Things: Anime, Books, Manga, Food, Rock, J-Music, K-Pop,Drawing, Laughing, Music

Top 3 Favorite Anime: Tokyo Ghoul, Noragami, Darker than Black

Top 3 Favorite Manga: Noragami, Tokyo Ghoul, Akatsuki no Yona

Top 3 Favorite Songs: Bae Bae (BigBang), Bulls in the Bronx (Pierce the Veil), Gotta Talk to You (Seungri)

Life is: what you make it


I wanted to let you guys know that I joined Deviant Art today. The name I wanted was taken, so my DA name is Art4eternity. It seems like a fun place and it was recommended to me, so I wanted to join. Now I have 2 places to share my art. :)

Speaking of art, I drew something earlier but I didn't like it that much, so I didn't finish shading. The reason being that I think I got the shape of the face and mouth wrong. Here it is:

Any thoughts?

When People....

When people who make amazing art (or anything else) don't think their work is good:

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Thank You !!!

Happy Easter to everyone and thank you to all the people who sent me a gift or wished me happy birthday. I never had so many PMs in one day, I really appreciate it guys.

To celebrate I had an ice cream cake and then I went out to dinner and a movie. I told the people in the restaurant ( it was Friday's) that I didn't really want them to sing me happy birthday, but they did it anyways. Not that I was mad or anything.
The movie I saw was Insurgent. I haven't seen the Divergent movie but I read all three books so I knew what was going on. It was pretty good, but you know how when you're watching something with your parents and then this sexual scene starts and you know you'd have no problem watching it by yourself or with a friend, but with your parents it's just so very, very awkward, that's what happened. run-on sentence

Spring Break has been good so far, but now I'm going to start working again.

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Don't Worry, That's Just My Face

I'm usually known as that girl who never smiles or laughs. And while I have to admit I never laugh out loud in public (not because nothing's funny but because my laugh is the same witch cackle as my father's - in other words it sounds really weird - so I've always held it in since the 5th grade and now I literally can't LOL in public even if I try), but I smile a lot. Even in public.
I'm honestly beginning to wonder if something about my face makes me look permanently depressed or something.
In elementary school one of my friends would sometimes look at my face and think I was crying even when I certainly was not even close to crying. And today, in gym I was feeling perfectly fine but I must have looked sad or something because the guy standing next to me suddenly asked if I was ok.
Of course I simply said yes but I was tempted to say, "If I look sad, don't worry. That's just my face."
I wonder how he'd react.
Sometimes I smile and everyone acts like it's a big deal, like they never saw me smile before. What's up with that?

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Tagged :D

This time I was tagged by Judai Winchester. Thanks :)
So many people are getting tagged lately.
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked and write eleven new ones (be creative)
Rule 3: Tag as many people as possible and let them know you tagged them
Rule 4: Have Fun

1. What color do you relate to the most?
I think I'd relate to yellow the most because it represents happiness, positivity, intelligence, and cowardice. Sounds like me.

2. What is your favorite thing to watch or read when you're feeling down?
Something that I know will make me laugh, so probably a YouTube video or if, at that time, I know of a really funny anime I haven't completed I'd watch an episode of that.

3. How long have you been a member of theOtaku.com?
About one and half years although I was really inactive for the first few months after I joined.

4. Is there any members of theO that you'd like to meet in person?
Probably TrueStory, Sena Harulumin, and Nikkeh. But it would be awkward because I'm an awkward person IRL.

5. Do you have a personal soundtrack? What I mean is a specific set of songs that seem to sum up your life?
I can't really think of any songs that fit, so no.

6. Is there any anime related clothes or outfits that you just have to have?
I saw someone wearing a Tokyo Ghoul shirt once. I'd definitely want that and any other shirt with my favorite anime on it. But alas, no way would my parents let me get any. ;(

7. What character have you always wanted to cosplay?
Kirito from SAO. I think it would be fun to wear his outfit.

8. What is your favorite time of year?
Summer, because that's when I have the most free time and I don't like the cold.

9. What is your favorite object in your room?
My kindle fire. I use it for everything: visiting theO, making wallpapers, watching anime, internet, etc.

10. Is there a time in your life when you felt alone or extremely happy?
everyday I think I started feeling really happy after I started 7th grade. Not that I was sad before that, but that was the first grade that I had fun teachers and classmates and I even made a friend during 8th grade (although we don't talk anymore). That was also just a little while after I started getting into anime and manga and I was becoming more aware of the world. I've been a happy person ever since then, even though everyone in my life seems to think otherwise.

11. What do you think of theOtaku.com?
I think it's a really nice place where you can share your art with people who have common interests. I also think it's honestly the friendliest place I've ever seen on the internet. Even if you go to a kids' website there are people who are mean or extremely inappropriate, but I've never seen anyone like that on theO.

My Questions:
1. If you could meet anyone in real life, dead or alive, who would it be?
2. Do you like to read and if so, what are your favorite books or authors?
3. What's your favorite food?
4. Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
5. What's your favorite movie?
6. If you had a book that had your whole life written in it, from birth to death, would you read it? Why or why not?
7. If your life was an anime what genre would you want it to be?
8. Are your friends with anyone in real life who's also a fan of anime/manga?
9. Do you buy anime merchandise?
10. Are you allergic to anything?
11. Do you have an unusual talent or ability?

I think everyone's already been tagged been tagged like 10 times, so anyone can answer these. :)