Hiya! This is my little "blog" world. Well, not really little, but the size doesn't matter.

Name: Fishy-chan

Age: 1,000,000

Location of my house: On the ground

Likes: Anime. But only the good ones. Frogs, food, but only tasty food, when my friends fall in holes, vocaloids, my friends, you, theO, rusty spoons, etc.

Dislikes: When I run out of the stuff

DA account: xlolfishx

Instructions for use: Serve with or without broth as desired


Is everyone dead? Seriously, where is everyone? Comment if you are still alive.


Go to Google today and press "insert coin"! It's soooo awesome!!!!!!!!!


My tablet is finally working properly! I can use pen pressure! I'ma so happy!

(Now tell me what I should draw.)




I just refreshed my backroom it the only thing that changed was 96 suscribers to 95 suscribers!

On a better note the results for the competion I entered were announced! The prize were a 1st: $150 madman voucher, 2nd: $100 madman gift voucher, 3rd: $75 madman gift voucher, and 4th: $50 madman gift vouvher. And guess where I placed? That's right! 5th! But it's not all bad. I may have just missed a voucher, buuuuuut the six runner up entries received honorable mentions and all win a Naruto Shippuden: The Move DVD! Only things is I'm not a major Naruto fan.