Hiya! This is my little "blog" world. Well, not really little, but the size doesn't matter.

Name: Fishy-chan

Age: 1,000,000

Location of my house: On the ground

Likes: Anime. But only the good ones. Frogs, food, but only tasty food, when my friends fall in holes, vocaloids, my friends, you, theO, rusty spoons, etc.

Dislikes: When I run out of the stuff

DA account: xlolfishx

Instructions for use: Serve with or without broth as desired

Today was the...

Athletics carnival! I went in my lolita dress! I did attach a red bow though because I'm in red house. My friends went as the Chishire Cat and the Mad Hatter. I felt terrible for the first half of the day, but the second half was fun! The teachers took a photo of me because I was so pretty. I showed the Japanese teacher my dress and she siad it was pretty and that I shsould go to Tokyo. I would if I could. But it's just no good! 'Cause there's two perfect girls for me~! *shot* AoNeko brought lots of food! Chips and m&ms and more! We arrived back at school 40 before the end of the school day, so they let us all go home early~! <3

Oh, and today is also national hug your cat day in case you didn't know. And yes, I am for real.

Weird dream

My friends, classmates and I were in a crypt. We had to knock down these columns. Once we had knocked them all down they turned into tables. Each table had booklet on it. The booklet was for an art class. We started doing art in them, except for the annoying people from my school who were being, well, annoying! Then one of my friends said "Did you know that one of the previous students here committed suicide?" So we started going up and down the tables looking through th ebooklets to find who it was. The booklets were the ones from last year. We were using them because they were mostly empty. I looked at one of the booklets and said "These drawings look like Lowana's drawings. I then had a closer look and noticed the previous name had been crossed out and "Lowana" had been written there. "Oh" I said "that's because it is Lowana's." Then I walked up to the next table and looked at the booklet. "Angela" it said. I opened it up to look at the content, as we had done with all the previous booklets, and it had Alchemic Mushroom's art in it! Then a girl wearing a lolita dress walked up and I said "Oh wow! it's Angela!" And she sort of just looked at me, so I said "as in Alchemic mushroom!" She got sort of creeped out and started backing back. I was about to say that I was xfishyx when one of my friends said "why is this crypt under the Amazon River?" One of my other friends was confused so I said "don't you know that there is an Amazon river in Australia too? Not just in South America. It's the big one that goes from NSW to SA." One of friends then said "you idiot! That's the Murray Rivier!" Then Angela/Alchemic Mushroom pulled out a map and we were looking at the rivers. i pointed to one and said "is that it?" And Angela/Alchemic Mushroom said "No silly, it's this one." She was apointed at a rivier that was clearly not named the Amazon. I was about to point out that it was clearly not the Amazon but my alarm clock started beeping and woke me up. I was annoyed! I wanted to talk to Angela/Alchemic Mushroom. Oh well.

Also, Alchemic Mushroom? I have a couple of questions. Have you ever posted your name up here? Has my subconscienced just guessed a name? Did I guess right? Is Angela your name?


The library was selling old books for $2 each, so we bought the first Evangelion book. $2, it's a pretty good deal.

Stole from Lol, I forgot!

Which side is more dominant

1.[ ] You love hoodies
2.[ ] Dogs are better than cats
3.[X] It's hilarious when people get hurt
4.[X] You've played with/against boys on a team
5.[X] Shopping is torture
6.[X] Sad movies suck
7.[ ] You own an xbox 360
8.[ ] You wanted/played with Hotwheel cars as a kid
9.[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter
10.[X] You own a DS, PS2 or Sega (Blah! Girl gamers FTW!!!)
11.[ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers
12.[ ] You watch sports on TV
13.[ ] Gory movies are cool
14.[ ] You only go to your dad for advice
15.[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps
16.[ ] You like going to football games
17.[ ] You used to/do collect football cards
18.[ ] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
19.[ ] Green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favorite colors
20.[X] You love to go crazy and not care what people think(What's that got to do with gender?)
21.[ ] Sports are fun too
22.[X] Have talked with food in your mouth
23.[ ] Wear Boxers to bed
24.[X] Or your socks on at night (Only when it's freezing.)
total: 8
Multiply the total by 7
Score= 56 Guy
1.[ ] You wear lip gloss
2.[ ] You wear eyeliner
3.[ ] You have some of the same shirts in different colors
4.[X] You wear the color pink/ have worn the color pink
5.[X] Go to a female for advice (My sister)
6.[ ] You KNOW cheerleading’s a sport and you argue about it
7.[ ] You hate wearing the color black
8.[ ] You like shopping
9.[ ] You like wearing jewelry
10.[X] Skirts are a part of your wardrobe
11.[X] You don't like the movie Star Wars
12.[X] It takes you around 1 hour (or more) to shower get dressed and put on make-up and accessories
13.[X] You smile a lot more than you should
14.[X]You have more than 10 pairs of shoes/sneakers
15.[ ] You care about what you look like
16.[X] You like wearing dresses when you can
17.[ ] You love, LOVE movies
18.[X] Used to play with dolls as a little kid
19.[X] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it (Tee hee he! The things I do!!!)
20.[X] Like taking pictures when you're bored
total= 11
multiply by 7
score= 77 girl


What *great* news.

^sarcasm intended^

The computer doesn't work. At all. Yay.