Happy Watermelon day everybody!!!!!!!!!
(just had to let you know)
I finished cleaning my room today...
Onto more important matters! I finished my Jessie (from pokemon? You know.) today! The only thing is, I HATE the way the hair turned out. I decided to not use a wig, but make a "plushie" style hair. IT LOOKS TERRIBLE! Oh well...
Only 6 more days until manifest!!!!
I've been cleaning my room all day. I know what your thinking. (Or not) Why is that so hard? Well, I share a room with my little sister, and we have heeeeeeeeaps of crap, and such a small room. I've been at it all day and I'm only half done...
And that's not because I'm lazy.
Yesterday was so funny! I was at knox city (or as Americans would call it, the mall) and I was wearing my cat ears, anyhoo, I was going up the up esculators, and this girl was going down the down esculators. She must have been 15-17, I'm not sure. Anyhoo! She was staring at me with the must stupidest expression! Her mouth was big, round, and open like fish, one eye looked suprised or shocked, and her other eye looked disgusted. It was hilarious! The irony is, she thought I looked stupid (I'm guessing) and I thought SHE looked stupid! She was blonde.
I've decided to do that OC interveiw thing-me-jig. It's the main character from my manga. (You know the one.)
How old are you?
Rin-Rin: 12
What's your theme song?
Rin-Rin: I'm supost to have a what now?
What were you made for?
Rin-Rin: I was made to dance! (In all seriousness, probably to defend defenceless cats.)
You a virgin?
Rin-Rin: I'm only 12, yeah...
Have any kids?
Rin-Rin: Think about that. I'm a virgin.
Favorite food or drink?
Rin-Rin: Um, pocky!
Killed anyone?
Rin-Rin: O_____o
Hate anyone?
Rin-Rin: Animal haters.
Any secrets?
Rin-Rin: *Blush* Nooooo...
Love anyone?
Rin-Rin: My kitty cat, Mittens!
What is your job?
Rin-Rin: I don't have a job, I go to school.
Favorite season?
Rin-Rin: Winter
Who's your best friend?
Rin-Rin: Mittens!
Rin-Rin: I like playing with Mittens...
What are you going to do when this tag is over?
Rin-Rin: ...Play with Mittnes?
What is your eye color?
Rin-Rin: Brown
Are you good? Or bad?
Rin-Rin: I'm a good girl!
Any last words?
Rin-Rin: But this isn't the last question?
What is your greatest fear?
Rin-Rin: Big scary dogs!
Does your name have a special meaning?
Rin-Rin: I dunno...?
What's your species?
Rin-Rin: Human. Or cat.
Any siblings?
Rin-Rin: No.
Where do you live?
Rin-Rin: In a house.
Do you find yourself attractive?
Rin-Rin: I've never really thought about that.
Would you kill yourself to protect the one you love?
Rin-Rin: I'd do anything for Mittens.
What are your powers or forms?
Rin-Rin: Once again I've already answered in a previous question. (Meow)
Did you like? No? I don't care go away! Oh, you did? I'm sorry for yelling at you...:(