1. Type your full username.
2. Do you have other accounts? If so, what is the name(s) of it/them
3. What do you submit on theO?
All sorts of stuff, but mainly art.
4. Out of what you submit most, what is the most popular piece?
<--Fan art
<--- eCard
Welcome to the club
5. Are you surprised?
Not really. The art is the kind that every one just goes "squee" over and the other was featured fandom.
6. Who is your best friend on theO?
Inufluffy12. I did go out of my way to meet her in real life after all~!
7. Who is your enemy on theO?
...I don't have one.
8. Who do you admire on theO?
Luluseason, Feonalily, Alchemic Mushroom and Adam of course~!
9. When did you join theO?
April 1st, 09. April fools day!
10. Do you like theO?
Yes, more than dA.
11. Have any nicknames on here?
I don't know if anybody else calls me it, but I sometimes refer to myself as Fishy-chan
12. Belong to rps? If you do, names?
I did, but I fail at RPing and quit all of them OTL
13. What do you usually do on here?
Look through art and enter contest. A loooot of contests.
14. Do you know anyone on theO in real life?
Let's see; I got my friend Aoneko to join and her two sisters Nosheep13 and Japonica Chan quickly followed. I later convinced my sister's friend Oasaka45656 to join. After that my good friend Tashna joined.
15. Is a family member on here?
No, she isn't that good at drawing. Also, I never let her on the computer 'cause I'm a mean big sister >:D
16. Do you comment often?
17. Is there anything you wish you could take back involving theO?
By "take back" do you mean remove?
18. If yes, what?
If that is what you mean it would be the stupid ads. I liked it back when the ads were for up coming animes.
19. How much of your time is spent on here?
All of it.
20. Do you keep in contact with anyone on theO that you don’t know in rl?
21. Something you LOVE about theO?
The precentage of trolls is 0.0001%
22. Something you HATE about theO?
Not really anything I think. I'm pro theO~! (Ooh, a rhyme!)
23. Something you wish you could change?
Different emotes. I don't really like the ones they have. I never use them.
24. How many subscribers do you have?
25. Are you fine with that number?
Yes, I was very pleased once I hit 100.
26. Do you call people on theO with “Chan”, “Kun”, “San”, “Sama”, “Sensei”, etc.?
I sometimes call Inufluffy12 Inu-chan because it's far easier to say.
27. Do you know what any of those even are?
Yes, I'm not stupid.
28. Who do you talk to on theO the most?
Inufluffy12 and XkingdomXkiyomiX, but she hasn't logged on in months....
29. Dose theO have a influence on your every day life?
Yeah, probably one of the causes of my sleep deprivation.
30. What did you think of this 30 question meme?
It was nifty~!
I finally beat the elite 4 on Soul Silver~! I did it last night. Yes yes, I know it's taken me a very long time, but that's because I spend all my time on the computer, not my DS. Still, I was very happy. Kanto, here I come!
Lucky otakuites get to see my W.I.P~!

I had dreamed up a whole Simpsons episode. Sometimes I was watching the episode, sometimes I was the episode! During the times I was watching it they ad break would start with a little animated puzzle type thing involving the Simpsons characters and the plot of the episode. At one point where I was the episode I was in the house of one of the people who are in the current production. I gave him a pink jacket because I thought it would be funny to laugh at a male person wearing pink clothes. Then it was back to watching the Simpsons. I then went to check back on the guy with the jacket. It turns out he had OCD and was obsessed with a certain shade of blue. He had a little jar of paint (blue paint) and was painting the jacket, although he wasn't painting it completely blue, he was painting it blue and pink checked. I was then watching some more Simpsons. Mr. Burns had become really poor for some reason. Then back to being the Simpsons. Two different people walked in from the production. Then they started singing "I fell like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!" whilst doing the chicken tonight dance. Someone wheeled in a grill that had chicken wraps on them. The other two were still singing the chicken tonight song. I was eating heaps of the wraps despite the fact that they tasted bland.
Oh, and if you're interested I can tell you what I remember of the plot of the episode.
Lisa and Bart had radioactive vegetables or something but Marge didn't like them, so she tried to get rid of them, but Bart and Lisa did the old switch-a-roo trick and they kept the radioactive vegetables. There were other subplots to do with Homer and Mr. Burns but I don't remember them. During one point of the dream when I was watching the Simpsons I said to my father "Tghis is my favourite episode. I love all the songs and puzzles." And he replied by saying "It's a seven themes episode." (Meaning there were seven plots and seven ad breaks, each which had a song and puzzle before it.)
Weird huh?
1. I just had the worst shower in my life
2. OMGGZZZ! I FOUND MY IPOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!