YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! Today was Manifest! It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cosplayed as Jessie and my friend was James. There were these really awesome pokemon cosplayers. There was a snorlax,a mew, a bulbasaur, a dragonite and a pikechu. THey were AWSOME! I don't have the pictures to show you yet, but when I do I'll be sure to post them! I got an evangelion key ring! It was a chibi of eva unit 01. :( I wanted the chibi angel...Oh well! It's still cute! :)
I also got these ADORABLE chibi eeveelution stickers! OMG! Manifest was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
