My weird dream

In my dream I was at my friend Lowana's house. I was in her bedroom looking at these Professor Layton figurines she had on top of a chest of drawers. But they weren't any odinary figurines, they were singing figurines. I theen got a screwdriver, and one by one, listened to the music. They played music from the Professor Layton games. Also, I had to use a screwdriver because the buttons are like the reset buttons you get on things. The kind that don't stick out so you need something thin to reach them. As I was listening to one of the figurines, it started to turn into a figurine of a saxaphone, and started playing a saxphone solo, but I didn't really notice. Then Lowana's brother came in the room. His name was Tom and he looked about 17/18. (In real life Lowana doesn't have any brothers called Tom, and none of her brothers are younger than 20.) He then started complaining that the saxaphone solo was really annoying, so he took the thing away from me. That made me angry, so I went to complain to Lowana. As I approached her I then decided instead of speaking to her normally, I would do something else instead. It was because I looked at her hair. (She has hair that looks exactly the same as Haruhi Fujioka's.) I ran towrads her with my arms out ready for a hud and yelled "Haru-chan!!!" in Honey's voice.

Now I call Lowana Haru-chan.

Also, today I found out what year 10 subjects I have next year. I have music (Yush!) AND drama (double yush!!) and graphic design (Yush!) and food tech! (yush yush yush!) and textiles (oh noes! I can't sew well at all, and the textiles teacher is the meanest teacher in the whole school.) and all the other compulsarary classes.
