To my good friend...

To my good friend Iun-chan,

You know what? You are a good person! I anticipate that you will get mannny letters because of this challenge. You are always out there being as friendly as possible to absolutely everyone~! (Except for that one troll, but of course, they don't count.)

When I first joint this site you were one of my first friends. You helped me with everything. If I had a problem, what did I do? Ask you~! If I needed advice, it was you again. If was just generally bored and wanted to start up a conversation I could guarantee that you would reply. The fact that we live in the same general are meant that time zones never got in the way and we could talk whenever we wanted.

I can tell that you a sincerely a nice person because you weren't afraid of meeting me. That was a nice day. It makes everything more fun when you have a face to put all the comments to. You were as nice in person as you are on here, which isn't that surprising. It'll be fun to see you again in, let's see, 4 weeks for Manifest~!

Over all, thanks for always being a good friend. You're even better than some of my friends from my life away from the computer and have known a lot longer. Keep up the niceness please~!

With lots of friendly love, your good friend Fishy-Chan~!

P.S. Don't be converted to the dark side by Oasaka45656, I'm much nicer than her~! Tee hee hee~!
