Oh boy . . .

This is the product of sheer boredom. I have nothing to do and school is almost over. I probably should be working on my research paper, admittedly, but I'm plagued by the evil known as writer's block and probably have to re look up certain facts anyway. In short, just let me rant/ramble/make no sense what so ever.

I will probably do the same thing every time I post(and it will be about whatever happens to be crossing my mind at the time)

Have you ever run into those haters? You know, the people who will leave irratating little comments on areas about an anime that are like, 'this anime sucks and whoever reads it is a nerd.' I mean, dude, if you hate it, why are you clicking the pretty little link that leads you to this in the first place? Do you lack a life so completely that you can only find solace in ruining things for other people? All the one I found did was get other people mad and it(all haters, in my book, from now on will be its. They are unworthy of genders.) If you are one of those haters, please do all of us a favor and either jump off a bridge or get a [CENSORED] life(hey, they said these are rated PG-13 and below, right?).

Oh yeah, off my ranting about haters, today I was told by a friend to worship a pig. And this happened to be a stuffed pig(stuffed animal). It has been declared the only cute and cuddely god in the universe.



I have finally figured it out!!! Many thanks to bard2 for his assistance(Don't bug me about spelling). But, anyhow, I shall now begin banging my head against some hard object as punishment for being so stupid that I didn't realise how easy it was to get to my favorites . . . *bangbangbangbang*

Um . . . ?

Is anyone besides me really confused here? Sure, this version of the website looks great, but . . . I don't know how to find anything, I can't figure out how to look at my favorites without having to go back through all the wallpapers or e-cards looking for them, and I'm really not sure what I'm doing . . . -.-; Help is welcome, even if given rudely. I'm in way over my head here.