well.. right now it is 7 am.. i need get ready for school.. dammit.. must make this quick..
WELL, yesterday goin into.. today.. i stayed up all night typing this uber long essay.. that im still not done wit.. ;_;..
it was about 6 or 7 pages wen i started.. n now its 12..
lol, i took hella long break n red manga... stupid ichigo 100%... (one of the many manga's im readin right now.. its pretty gud..but its eichi._.)
uggggggggg im so tired.. this is the first time i acualy stayed up all night, n is still awake... b4.. ide usualy fall asleep at like.. 7, 8, or 9 am..
god... so tired.. n my body is like.. shakin from the inside... ugg... well.. im gonna take a shower now n get ready to go to shool... bi...
sleep deprived...