So, it has been a really long time since the last time I logged on. So much has changed. I believe that the first Version Vibrant of, I logged on and saw all the changes that had been made. Since that time, I haven't really been able to log on in such a long time. I guess you could say that it was slightly surprising (in a good way :]) to be welcomed back by a swarm of new changes. Once upon a time I used to log on as much as possible, and I guess I've finally realized how much I miss this amazing site! I want to start posting again I guess. Before I stopped logging on, I completed a couple of pieces of art that I meant to upload, but never really got around to it. I might try to upload those soon. I am also really glad that there is now "Fan Words". I'm going to try to post a few of my fanfictions here when I have time (or get out of this crazy writer's block).
I guess for now, I'll close up this entry. By the way, to anyone reading this, hi! lol.
Peace and happiness,
wise angel
Random note: yes, I still love NejiTen. :] lol