I will slap somebody

If you are my friend, I value you.

Don't criticize me on something i like to do. I might like different things than what you like. You might like different things than i like. But that doesn't mean you force me to dislike something or make me believe something.

If i like the internet, so be it. If you like reading, so be it. Don't force me to change. WE are friends. Think of how i feel.

WE could be assigned to go to..New York. I might want to walk, and you might want to fly. Either way, we'll still end up in the same place. maybe not at the same time, but still the same place. does it make a difference? If it aint broke, don't fix it.

Just because i don't like something about a certain brand, doesn't mean you can fore your opinion on me, insulting the things i like to do. Its obvious we have different tastes. The things i like have NOTHING to do with it. Why do you do it? oh yes, because you cant face the truth.

I might not like somebody's haircut, or the shirt they wear. You might not like their personality, and their shoes. Either way, Insulting ME has nothing to do with it.

Don't make remarks about me. I'm a person too. I can feel sadness. I can feel embarrassment. I can feel hate. Don't insult me or any other people i hang out with or i will see to it that you feel horrible.

You will regret everything.
