I'm more or less interested in anything dealing with Itachi but I get interested easily with any manga/anime
I'm not much to talk about an amateur artist trying to put up art for people to see as well as fan art. I hope you like this world I'm probably just do journal entries and compare things in life with some in anime/manga

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I almost forgot

Happy Thanksgiving people

Enjoy it with your family and so.

Eat and celebrate.

This is a day to hang with fam and be thankful for living and being blessed with a life with people who care and friends who have stuck with you too. Thankful for many things

Enjoy like I am with my fam. Laters

Phantom Of The Opera: Lindsey Stirling

A Funeral

I watch as they brought the coffin
Does it make you think?
What if this person did something they regret
did they fix it before dying?
What if that was you
If you were to die....
Do you think you fixed all your wrongs
All the problems you had
Face all the people you hate
All the people you loved
Have you made peace with those who hurt you
Those you've hurt?
Those you cared for...
How can you be sure
You look around you and see who has tears
and who probably will miss this person more...
Who exactly was this person..
Someone good
Someone bad
Someone respected?
Someone feared?
People can say how nice and good this person was...
But what if they didn't know the truth about this person
What if they never even talked to this person
What if...
What ifs
Thats the thing here...
What if this person could of lived on a bit longer
What if this person had things they wanted to do before dying..
Did this person even know they would die??
It took a funeral... to make me think
It took a funeral to make me see what i need to fix
What i need to change...
What I want to live for...
To die for...
And all it took for me to realize this...
Was a Funeral...

Behind the Smile...

so when you see them smile
do you know if that smile is a true smile or a false one...
to see them smile and laugh with you
Is it a true smile?
Do you know if that smile is like all the other smiles you have seen
if that laugh is like the laughs you use to share together
Behind that smile...
is a bitter smile
a sadness
Anger maybe....
some people may have the smile
but is hurting
but is broken inside...
can someone really tell
a true smile
from a false one
to hide behind a smile
a laugh
behind that smile
lies something much more than you know
Or maybe not.
Do not be deceived
because behind that smile
can be something else...
can you say you know them
can you tell what they feel
Behind that smile.....

Zelda Medley