I'm more or less interested in anything dealing with Itachi but I get interested easily with any manga/anime
I'm not much to talk about an amateur artist trying to put up art for people to see as well as fan art. I hope you like this world I'm probably just do journal entries and compare things in life with some in anime/manga


Even with lack of sleep... im able to get on top8 .... Im actually really proud of that.... I should do a thanks to those who actually vote and favor my art...
Thanks for favoring the drawings peeps. And especially that yu gi oh one... that one took a lot...

So tired....

So I haven't slept well... ok haven't been sleeping all to well even if my moms home... I mean i don't mind taking care of her or helping her... but in doing so... im losing sleep... so im lacking more....

Up to this point... My mom comes first before sleep. So to Alphonse and Ramen Your drawings are done... I just haven't had the time to upload em so... Im real sorry dudes.... Really 'll upload em asap. Just be patient here. Work with me. I will have them up. And ready soon...

For now... just wait... and their also in my style not in the style of the creators =w=""

Busy day.... January 2nd....

So at 3am... my mom had a horrible pain... I didn't really sleep til 2am.... so in all one hour.... or less can't remember...

After that me and the fam went to the emergency room.... longest wait ..... and she's in pain I was getting mad... so was my brother and sis....

Around 7am they took her in.... and I satays outside in the waiting room with my brother hoping all was alright that it wasn't anything to bad......
We get the results at 8 or so and turns out she has to get surgery on her appendix

.....Made me go numb for a bit then anger and so much more....

After a few hours she was still in pain when i went to see her at 9am.... by 12pm they had her in a room to wait for the surgery to begin.... We waited.... until by 3pm they finally got her inside and start.... (after all the paper signing and such) And after a few hours.... by 5pm orclose to 6 we went to see her and she was resting and was better. No pain she was sleeping peacefully.... damn it that i wanted to just be the one in pain not see my mother suffer that....
In all she is ok...
I just got home.... it being 12:08 am and no im not tired more on I want to hope that my mom is ok at the hospital with my dad...and the docs.... and whoever is to take care of her.

Today I felt... I wanted nothing
but to see her smile....
See my mom laugh
Be here at home not there in a hospital bed...

But again... I cant do much but pray and hope for the best....

So that how my day was........And.... so far... still not wanting to sleep.

Im doubting myself now....

I didn;t think my Pocky Game would make top 8.... slaps myself silly =_="

Pocky Pocky.... GIANT POCKY Sticks

So i went to this 3D game thing its not a Game Stop... but it is just like it but it has anime in it too.... Sooo
the lady at the counter was a artist and she said they had pocky but this one dude....showed me the giant box....

I find it was worth it.... 2 small ones and this one huge one.... I thank my friend.... who took me out... and showed me that awesome store... with awesome pocky sticks......