Each and everyday I see someone else's art.I wonder how much they love to draw. I see my art...how did I get better? How do they get better? Art is art if you let the art flow threw you. Art is art but it means nothing if you put no effort to it. Art is unique and to those artist in the Otaku I say amazing. I can't comment on all the art works individually but I want to say all drawings in Fan Art and Fan Comics are amazing so much creativity.
In life art is necessary without it....where would we be? What would we do or watch? A world without anime/manga or video games....I can't imagine a world like that. So I say this keep drawing keep at it, no matter who says something bad about it continue drawing every art is amazing because it's your art no one else's. The world of art is limitless. No one can take a passion away from you, if you like it fight for it, never let the light that shines with in you die out because of a criticizer who thinks they can do better of coarse someone can do better be glad you did it in your style and that it's different from someone else's.
Never fear... Art is something that expresses many things but if you fear to let yourself be expressed through art...how will you let what you feel out on paper? Express all that you can? How can you let others hold you back from art? Art is my passion drawing is a passion I had....I had so many people judge me, screw me over, let my art be torn in two....Now it's more or less of letting people tear me apart with criticism I need to stand on my own two feet...I need to show my strength in my art how much I improved and show people that I don't need thier doubts...
I need someone who will be a hero for me and those who are tired of falling quiet to show and express all they want, art, drawing or whatever you love to do...don't die out...don't quit...Help those who want to quit I can't see myself quit anymore...I can't see those I love quit on themselves either I know I let anger get to me but I won't abandon a friend for all those things that killed me inside... If I can keep expressing myself I think everyone else can too...
Drawing Styles