I know I had my problems and all...but my life is good...It's good. I see the other troubles in life that effect others but not me...the other troubles are worse than mine...losing a loved one, facing a life and death situation but me...I only faced a life and death situation...and lived....I seen 3 people I care for most be in a life and death situation...and made it through....I am happy that I can live to see tomorrow....As Naruto would say "Believe IT" I know Naruto done his life and death situation and seen his worst losses...yet he fights on...and lives on to see tomorrow...I fight I live to see tomorrow as well as anyone else should. I mean so many people have it better than others and complain...Why? I love my life, my family...there was a time I hated them...my life...my existence meant nothing to me but now it different. A lot different than it was a few years ago....