Who Believes...

Who believes?
Do you believe in those who tell you to trust them?
The ones who say they have your back?
The ones that supported you when you felt alone
....Do you believe in them?
Those who believe in you?
I use to not.
I use to not want to believe.
To believe in those who believed in me.
Some of them lied to me
Others crushed my dreams
Others broke my trust
others broke my spirit.

To believe in others, is hard now
To think they have my back....is hard

To know you be ok....is hard
To believe in others is hard to me
I know, I got those who believe in me now...
I know those who push me foward

They believe in me, and I believe in them.
Sometimes I wonder where I be at without them.
If they hadn't helped me
If they hadn't pushed me...
Where would I be?

Some of them who broke me
lied to me
hurt me...
seem to now support me.
help me
Believe in me...
Can I...
Believe in them?
