Pass few days been trying to get my computer to work right since it being a retard won't upload pictures again.
another thing....I feel sick....
I seriously can't afford to get sick especially not now, most of the times me+sick=worse case for my asthma
So I been stressing since my computer wants to be a douche with me.
That is probably why Im getting a bit feverish.
But the days still go by.
One after another....
Me still filling a bit sick, my computer being a douche and me just hoping to just get better.
As so much I also been looking back at some of the things I wrote in some journals I had... I find some to have caught my attention. In any case the days feel a bit slow.
I feel a bit weak, sore and sick.... so im just going to chill for a bit.
That and work on the requests for the Pay it Forward challenge as well.