haha so i JUST figured out how to do introductions and stuff so hahaha!!! yea just doing one now lolz. well since this is a blog about random stuff and me i guess i should add in a little bit of information about myself up here

Real Name: Jordan
Pen Name: Dusk ^_^
well ummm im not really sure what else to say really buuuuuut hmmmmmmm i dunno just read the world lolz
trust me you will probably get to know me better from that than any thing else lolz

enjoy xp


yea... basically super ticked off right now... ill update in the morning... going to sleep right now... (mostly just wanted a reminder that i needed to post...)
i dunno... i just dont even freaking know how i should be feeling about this, or how i even AM feeling about this... i love my best friend, but i guess it just makes me feel like crap that i barely even see her any more and then we plan an awesome weekend where we can spend tons of time together, and she does this... i dunno, i guess im just hurt, yea i get that a lot of people are going to be trying to get me to spend time with them but i TOLD her that this was HER weekend... that i was gonna do my best to ignore everyone else so WE could have fun... but NO.... i dont freaking know... just freaking sucks... i cant believe this... i dunno... i guess i should... what ever... its not like im ACTUALLY mad at her.. im just super hurt...

OH DEAR!!! DX >_<

so i was watching some videos on youtube (yea i probably need to stop exploring youtube... everytime i do i come back with an interesting story, and most of the time a scarring expirience...) well anyway, i was thinking about how some people put "...

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be creative!!!!

haha sorry bout the title... but thats what i just had to tell myself when i was thinking of a name... because i didnt really know what to put... haha any way, i forgot to mention this yesterday in my multiple posts, but i got my hair bleac...

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thank you liveeverysecond!!!!!
it FINALLY worked!!! i was able to submit something!!!... now i just hope it gets published or approved or whatever before the challenge ends tonight... ohh well, ill still submit it on my own if it doesnt work out... NOW THAT I KNOW HOW TO DO IT!!!!! XD!!!!

yea yea...

"theOtaku appears to be having some issues" yea, it chooses some of the most CONVINIENT times to do that doesnt it!!! O_e... yea i get it theO hates me... well.. its just gonna have to get over that isnt it!!!!!!

haha any way, started watching black butler today.. love it!!!... even though it IS quite creepy O_o...